
Wild New World (also known as Prehistoric America) is a six-part BBC documentary series about Ice Age America that describes the prehistory, landscape and wildlife of the continent from the arrival of humans to the end of the Ice Age. It was first transmitted in the UK on BBC Two from 3 October to 7 November 2002. Like several other BBC programmes, it contains both computer graphics and real-life animals. Occasionally, footage of non-American counterparts of the extinct North American beasts (like the American lion and the American cheetah) are used in juxtaposition with footage of native American animals, like the pronghorn.

Wild New World was co-produced by the BBC Natural History Unit and Discovery Channel. The music was composed by Barnaby Taylor and performed by the BBC Concert Orchestra. The series was narrated by Jack Fortune and produced by Miles Barton.

The series forms part of the Natural History Unit's Continents strand. It was preceded by Wild Africa in 2001 and followed by Wild Down Under in 2003.


  1. Land of the Mammoth
  2. Canyonlands
  3. Ice Age Oasis
  4. Edge of the Ice
  5. American Serengeti
  6. Mammoths to Manhattan

Prehistoric Animals[]

Woolly Mammoth


Short Faced Bear

American Lion


American Mastodon

Columbian Mammoth

Shasta Ground Sloth

Steppe Bison



