Thescelosaurus BW3
Name Thescelosaurus
Order Ornithischia?
Suborder Hypsilophodontidae
Class Thescelosauridae
Name Translation Vagarious saurian
Period Late Cretaceous (67,5-65 million years ago)
Location New Mexico and United States of America
Diet Herbivore?

Thescelosaurus was a Hypsilophodont that lived at the very end of the Cretaceous period in North America. Thescelosaurs are very unpopular, being barely mentioned. Even more, their name means "vagarious saurian".

In popular culture

Thescelosaurus from were back

A Thescelosaurus had a cameo in the 1993 movie We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story, In Walking With Dinosaurs, the episode Death of a Dynasty, A flock of Thescelosaurus were seen drinking from the local river. They were stalked by a hunting Dromaeosaurus. The theropod ambushed the flock but the Thescelosaurus scattered and outran the Dromaeosaurus.

WWD1x6 Thescelosaurus

Walking with Dinosaurs Thescelosaurus
