Spectrovenator by cisiopurple de6s0oh-fullview

Paleoart and Reconsturction by paleoartist Cisiopurple

Spectrovenator ragei is a genus of basal abelisaurid theropod that lived during the early Cretaceous period in what is now Brazil. It is known by a single species, it is recovered from the Quiricó Formation. [1]


The name of this theropod literally means the ghost hunter. It is named that way because the holotype was unexpectedly found under the holotype of Tapuiasaurus! Spectrovenator represents the first Early Cretaceous abelisaurid known with a complete skull.


Spectrovenator is known from a skull, a few dorsal vertebrae with ribs still attached, all its sacral vertebrae, most of the material from both hip and leg bones (material from both the left and right legs), and several caudal vertebrae. [2]

