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Grass in the sky real

Shri devi was a species of dromaeosaurid theropod that lived in Mongolia, inner Asia during the Late Cretaceous period, that is officially named by Turner, Montanari, and Norell in 2021.

The type specimen of Shri was discovered in the early 1990s and nicknamed "Ichabodcraniosaurus" by Novacek (1996). Norell and Makovicky (1999) noted that it was referable to Dromaeosauridae based on caudal and pedal characters, but that IGM 100/980 didn't contain sufficient elements preserved to refer it to Velociraptor.


The holotype specimen of Shri, IGM 100/980, previously nicknamed "Ichabodcraniosaurus", and provisionally considered a specimen of Velociraptor mongoliensis, consists of a partially articulated individual that preserves the right hindlimb, the left tibiotarsus, as well as the pelvis and adjacent cervical, dorsal, and caudalvertebrae. This specimen is distinguishable from Velociraptor mongoliensis based on a weak fourth trochanter, this is however, also shared with all other dromaeosaurids, and deep anterior pedicularfossae in the cervical vertebrae. Another distinguishable trait of Shri is that its epipophyses in the last four cervicals are not raised but instead are represented by rugose circular scars. [1]

Fossil recordings include (IGM 100/980) third cervical vertebra, fourth cervical vertebra, fifth cervical vertebra, sixth cervical vertebra, seventh cervical vertebra, eighth cervical vertebra, ninth cervical vertebra, tenth cervical vertebra, few cervical ribs, first dorsal vertebra, second dorsal vertebra, third dorsal vertebra, fourth dorsal vertebra, fifth dorsal vertebra, sixth dorsal vertebra, seventh dorsal vertebra, eighth dorsal vertebra, ninth dorsal vertebra, tenth dorsal vertebra, eleventh dorsal vertebra, twelfth dorsal vertebra, thirteenth dorsal vertebra (15.1 mm), synsacrum (16.5 mm), first caudal vertebra, second caudal vertebra (19 mm), third caudal vertebra, fourth caudal vertebra (22.8 mm), fifth caudal vertebra (25.2 mm), sixth caudal vertebra, seventh caudal vertebra, eighth caudal vertebra, five chevrons, ilia, pubes (one partial), ischia, femur, tibia, fibula, astragalocalcaneum, metatarsal I, phalanx I-1, pedal ungual I, metatarsal II, phalanx II-1, fragmentary phalanx II-2, pedal ungual II, metatarsal III, distal phalanx III-1, phalanx III-2, phalanx III-3, pedal ungual III, metatarsal IV, fragmentary phalanx IV-1, phalanx IV-2, phalanx IV-3, phalanx IV-4, pedal ungual IV.


According to the describers, Shri can be referred to a clade that comprises it and Velociraptor. This is based on the presence of a distinct ambiens tubercle that is located proximally on the anterior face of the pubis, a well-developed anterior tuberosity closely located on the ischium, as well as a rounded ischial ridge that runs lengthwise.

