Pangea: The Neverending World, also known as Pangea: Never Ending World or simply "Rexy", is a set of three Hungarian 3D animated short films created by Aenima CGS. Each of these short films follows a young Tyrannosaurus Rex apply named Rexy as he explores the wild lands of Pangaea.
Short Films[]
Rexy Goes to Mama (2009)[]
The short film begins in the deep jungles of Pangaea, where Rexy first hatches from his egg. His mother returns to the nest, but quickly finds that he's wandered off away. Rexy follows a butterfly through the jungle towards a steep ravine, where he briefly stops on top of a fallen log just as a flock of Pteranodon fly by him. Seeing this, he ventures to a nearby savannah and tries to fly himself, only to fall flat onto the ground. However, he finds three Brachiosaurus, which gets him excitedly following them until he ends up in a swamp. Rexy travels through for a while until he grows tired just as a Spinosaurus arrives. Before it could eat him though, his mother finds and rescues him.
Rexy and the Volcano (2020)[]
After being woken up by a centipede, Rexy hears the sound of a distant volcano. Curious over the noise, he wanders off to try and locate it, leaving his mother and father asleep back at the nest. As he's trying to find it, he stumbles into numerous sights including a group of Brachiosaurus, and a forest of giant mushrooms. While going through the mushroom patch, the spores start to make him feel drowsy which causes him to fall off a cliff into the open sea. Managing to survive, Rexy reaches the shore where he is confronted by three Velociraptors, who attempt to try and hunt him down only to be stopped when the father rescues Rexy.
Rexy Meets the Mountain King (2021)[]
This opens with Rexy having a nightmare, involving both a Spinosaurus and a gigantic scorpion. On waking up, he finds a scorpion right in front of him, which snips his nose and later on his tail. This interaction makes him run away from the nest again, desperate to get the scorpion off of him. While he does eventually lose it, Rexy races across a log over a deep canyon, with the log collapsing just as he gets across it. Now away from the nest, Rexy starts exploring around until he reaches an open field, stumbling into a family of Struthiosaurus, but they all get scared of him, so Rexy continues on. He travels around until he reaches the mountains, where he stumbles upon a Spinosaurus, Spiny. The two of them start playing together, but the parents of both Dinosaurs show up and try getting them back, just for the two to race off a nearby cliff, and onto a mudslide (unbeknownst to the parents). Angry, both parents face off each other until the father Tyrannosaurus slips on the mud. Both children eventually return to them, and they all play together.
Rexy and the Hungry Birds (2023)[]
Rexy is shown going through a marshland with both his mother and father. While exploring around, Rexy finds himself cornered by a large python as both parents were too far away. The snake slowly closes in on Rexy, but just before it can eat him, the father Tyrannosaurus grabs it and throws it out of the marsh and into a tree. From there they continue on through the marsh, Rexy chasing a pair of dragonflies until he comes across a large flock of Pterosaurs. Rexy continues exploring around, but the same flock become scared and fly away as a trio of Pteranodon swoop in. Rexy tries running back towards his parents, but the Pteranodon catch up to him and snatch him up before his parents could do anything. As the Pteranodon fight over Rexy in the air, a pair of Armabourgiania see this happening, and the father flies in and breaks up the fight, catching Rexy on his back. They manage to get away from the flock, Rexy enjoying the high-flying, but while up there it becomes so cold that Rexy ends up freezing, falling off of the giant pterosaur's back. The earlier Pteranodon gets struck by the falling Rexy, and they both crash land into the swamp below. Before the Pteranodon can do anything, both parents arrive and the father stomps on top of him. The short ends with the father Armabourgiania returning to his mate just in time to see their egg hatch.
Fauna featured[]
- Arambourgiania
- Brachiosaurus
- Pteranodon
- Spinosaurus
- Struthiosaurus
- Triceratops
- Tyrannosaurus
- Unspecified Pterosaur
- While Rexy is shown with two fingers in the original pilot (which is accurate for a Tyrannosaurus), he is shown in the other films with three fingers. Most likely this is to match his mother and father, which also have three fingers throughout the shorts.