
The Main Cast of the show

Kung Fu Dino Posse is an animated series produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc., Sunwoo Entertainment Co. Ltd., Sunwoo Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd., and Optix Entertainment GmbH. that aired throughout 2010 and 2011. The show follows four Dinosaurs that became defrosted and brought together to face off against the evil Skor. The show only lasted for a single season consisting of 40 episodes.


  • Kane is the main leader of the Posse. He is an overly confident, and headstrong green Tyrannosaurus. Being a natural leader, he is often first to jump to either save his friends or stop Skor's evil plans. In spite of this though, he can become overly prideful and focused on the task at hand, which gets the better of him at times.
  • Lucy is a yellow Triceratops and only main female of the posse. She is calm, collected, and willing to follow through with Kane's orders without hesitation (albeit sarcastic at times despite her loyalty). Familiar with both the prehistoric and modern world extensively, she is well adjusted and knowledgeable about both worlds.
  • Jet is an orange Pteranodon and is the most "street-smart" of the Posse. He comes across as full of himself, rude, and plays off as the show's comic relief much of the time, his hasty nature often getting him in trouble more often than the rest of the group.
  • Chow is a large red Stegosaurus, physically the largest and strongest of the Posse and acting as the group's muscle. He is fairly naive though and is known to mimic others around him. He is notable for his voracious appetite, and his clumsiness.
  • Skor is the main antagonistic force against the Posse, often bossing his minions around to handle the dirty work for him.
  • Skrap is Skor's younger, less intelligent brother, who reluctantly takes orders from his brother to do his dirty work.


  • Skor and Scrap are both referred to as raptors in the show, but they both also have neck frills like a cobra. This was possibly inspired by the Dilophosaurus from the Jurassic Park franchise.