
An artist's illustration of Avaceratops lammersi
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryote
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Superorder: Dinosauria
Order: Ornithischia
Family: Ceratopsidae
Subfamily: Centrosaurinae
Tribe: Nasutoceratopsini
Genus: Avaceratops
Dodson, 1986
Species: A. lammersi

Avaceratops lammersi was a relatively small ceratopsian dinosaur from the late Cretaceous of North America.‭ ‬What makes its classification difficult however is the fact that its neck frill is short and lacks any fenestrae‭ (‬openings‭)‬,‭ ‬and with the exception of others like Triceratops,‭ ‬ceratopsians can usually be divided into either centrosaurine or chasmosaurine groups,‭ ‬although both have fenestral openings in their frills.‭ It eats about 40 lbs of plant food. ‬This had led to Avaceratops‭ ‬being placed between these two larger groups with speculation that it may represent the ancestral form of Triceratops as well as possibly being a juvenile specimen which could account for its small body size and relatively small horns and frill. The name Avaceratops is derived from Ava Cole,‭ ‬the wife of Eddie Cole who found the first fossil remains in‭ ‬1981.‭ ‬The species name A.‭ ‬lammersi is in honour of the Lammers family who owned the land the fossils were found on.‭ ‬The fossil remains were found in what would have been a stream bed in the Cretaceous,‭ ‬and it‭’‬s thought that this dinosaur was washed there where the running water scattered the bones as it decayed.


Avavceratops was originally considered to be a small species by Dodson. He estimated the holotype length at 2.3 metres (7.5 ft) and assumed it had almost attained adult size, however the second skull (which does not necessarily belong to Avaceratops), MOR 692, indicates a body length of 4.2 metres (14 ft). Paul in 2010 estimated the weight of a four-metre-long animal at one tonne.

Discovery and naming[]




