Dinosaur Simulator is a Roblox game made by "ChickenEngineer."
Welcome to Dinosaur Simulator. Live as one of the most amazing animals to walk the earth. Play as a dinosaur as you attempt to avoid disasters, predators, and starvation. Form packs or herds to boost your chance of survival. Grow old, & raise hatching of your own. Countless events in store for you as you live as a dinosaur. Brought to you by Unhatched Games! I hope you enjoy what it is so far :).
Visits: 213.7M+
Created: 3/17/2015
Max Players in each server: 23
Genre: RPG
You first start as a dinosaur in the wild. If you want to change your dinosaur, simply go to the shop but you need DNA to buy dinosaurs. Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus rex is defaulted to you. Play the game and collect DNA to buy more cool dinosaurs! If your dinosaur is an herbivore, you have to eat the leaves off of trees or eat the ferns on the ground and be careful of players that want to kill you for fun or kill you to eat. If your dinosaur is a carnivore, kill other players to eat their dinosaur or just find a dead dinosaur laying on the ground and simply eat it.