300 Million Years is a two-part documentary mini-series that first aired back in 2015, narrated by Mark Rossman. It focuses on the history of planet Earth before and after the rise of mammals with special focus on German land.
The Big Crash[]
The first half of the series focuses on life evolving in both the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras: it goes over how life first ever appeared, going through various time periods throughout history before the rise of mammals on Earth as it is known today. The time periods spoken of include the Carboniferous, the Permian, the Triassic, the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous.
Fauna Featured[]
- Unspecified Ammonite
- Archaeopteryx
- Arthropleura
- Unspecified Caudata Amphibian
- Compsognathus
- Meganeura
- Plateosaurus
- Unspecified pterosaur
My Human Earth[]
The second half primarily focuses on the Cenozoic: the age of mammals. Starting 10 million years after the K-PG Mass extinction, it goes over much of the Cenozoic Era's time periods, and the recent history of mankind leading all the way up to modern day.
Fauna Featured[]
- Propalaeotherium (Fossil only)
- Unspecified ancient bat
- Darwinius masillae
- Mammoth (mentioned)
Inaccuracies and Speculative Information[]
- Although Amphibians as a whole did exist within the Carboniferous Period, the documentary wrongfully states that Caudate Amphibians were the first to venture onto land: this group evolved during the middle Triassic Era. The first vertebrates to do this appeared during the Devonian, such as Tiktaalik, and Ichthyostega.
- During the Jurassic segment, Compsognathus was briefly shown with a greenish proto feather covering. Although many depictions shown it like this, there isn't any conclusive evidence of feathers with Compsognathus fossil remains.
- The Compsognathus looked and behaved similarly to those represented in the Jurassic Park Franchise: a scene with three of them attacking and killing a lizard behind a rock mirrors a similar scene in the second Jurassic Park film.