It isn't much but that's it.
Edit: Cropped it.
(Cropped it now)
^^ that or JW 2015.
I like the Albertosaurus made by PowerLord. It kinda gives me Ghostface/Scream vibes.
As a Muslim, that would also kinda make me or any other Muslim or Theistic person bad so I'd say it kinda looks like it would be nice bait for an argument (even if it would mean no harm).
Happy Halloween everyone, unsurprisingly, my Sideswipe costume idea completely fucking squandered so I've decided to become and assassin.
It isn't much but that's it.
Mine's probably one of the least organized out of all the cluttered pfps.
Apparently, the number of my birthday, May 21st, is a funny number 💀💀💀.
Why do I have a feeling that I'm the inventor of clutter pfps? I was the first, Torvo is the second, Anky is the third, and now its @EpicThoradolosaur7782 💀💀💀.
I have some things I hate about dinosaur games.
KOSers (short form for kill on sighters to those who don't know what the term means)
Carebares (people who annoyingly protect herbivore players from carnivore players, preventing carnivore players to get their grub and gtfo. They're the kinda players I hate the most when playing dinosaur survival games)
Dogshit designs (I'm looking at you PoT Kaiwhekea)
Overcrowded areas
Broken promises (I'm looking at you PoT! I know what you did with your Pycnonemosaurus and don't think I'm not gonna bash the hell out of that lazy design of a Pycnonemosaurus)
Doubler-teamers (people who literally double-team you. They're either gonna just KOS you or are just there to get their grub and get on with their day like fuck-all happened)
Role players (where in the name of god do I begin with these guys? Do I seriously need to explain why they need to shut their phone or computer or whatever, get outside, and touch grass?)
The first one looks like a fucking FNAF jumpscare. The second one looks like the older child charging at the little child because the little child accidentally hit the older child. And, I'm not even gonna ask why the last one looks like a certain body part I'm not gonna mention because of guidlines.
^^ I pinged him to make sure that he sees what I've done once he's back from his break.
^ basically the mouth-full that PowerLord said.
A fan-made Transformer I've decided to create.
Name: The Whistling Death (so basically the Cybertronian version of the Grim Reaper, or, Death)
Weapons: Spark pilferers (he uses them to steal the sparks of the Cybertronians who died), rockets (on his arms, shoulders, and legs), blasters, wrist-mounted swords, wrist blades, and chest devastator (think of it as like Iron Man's arc reactor).
Faction: Herald of Primus (basically a Herald of Unicron but is only loyal to Primus, basically the Cybertronian version of God)
Biography: As the Cybertronian Demi-God of Death, the Whistling Death was one of the most loyal servants of Primus, carrying out missions that Primus told him to carry out. His job as the Demi-God of Death was to make sure to take the sparks of the dead and lead the dead to the Allspark. As a Demi-God, he is near-immortal (not fully immortal). Any attacks made by those who are not Demi-Gods, Gods, Heralds of Unicrons, or the Nemesiscons (a faction I made up that are basically the more evil versions of the Autobots) would merely phase through him, however, whenever he is attacked by a God, Demi-God, Nemesiscon, or Herald of Unicron, the attacks will not phase through him.
History: While the Whistling Death was created, however, it is unknown who is his creator. Stories say he is just another creation of Primus, others say he is his own creator, meaning that he has created himself, however, atheistic/agnostic/darwinistic ideologies say he is just an immagination of one's mind, an immagination of the dead more specifically. Whistling Death was once a messenger of Primus by the name of the Primal Dyad and never was a Demi-God at first, however, after getting a vision given to him by Primus, this vision was what gave him the power to pilfer sparks and lead the dead to the Allspark which also gave him the powers of a Demi-God, all-powerful but not immortal. This made the Primal Dyad change his name to the Whistling Death, due to his whistles that he emmits to the dead to show that he is here to send them to the Allspark.
Powers: The Whistling Death is a Demi-God. He may be all-powerful, however, he is not like Primus or Unicron, the Whistling Death is not an immortal being, however, he is known to create life while also being able to send dead Cybertronians to the Allspark, control time to his very whim. He is also known to create and destroy worlds and is known to control the balance of life to his whim, however, he prefers to keep the balance of life in his watch, making sure nobody tries to corrupt it. He is also able to go through time, travelling to both the future and the past. He is also capable of flight, shapeshifting, telekenesis, teleportation, invisibility, nigh-immortality, mind control, and is capable creating disasters of any kind while also being able to control how wide and long these disasters are. In other words, he is one of the most powerful Cybertronians aside from Primus, Unicron, and Quintessa.
Allies: Primus, the Heralds of Primus, and the 13 original primes.
Enemies: Unicron, the Heralds of Unicron, and the Nemesiscons.
Vehicle mode: Is able to transform into any vehicle of his choosing (in other words, he can transform into any vehicle of his choice).
If I pirated it, this is what would likely happened
No offense. Thought it would be funny.
Edmontosaurus, Maiasaura, and Parasaurolophus never lived with Velociraptor. Edmontosaurus lived in Hell Creek in USA and Horseshoe Canyon in Canada and lived later than Velociraptor. Parasaurolophus lived in the Horseshoe Canyon in Canada and Maiasaura also lived in Canada but in the Two Medicine Formation. Velociraptor lived earlier than Maisaura, Parasaurolophus, and Edmontosaurus and lived in a completely different formation, that formation being in Asia.