Well everyone, it's my final day, and with it comes my final post.
As you know, my account is being deleted today, after I requested to deactivate it a while back. I will not be coming back for a really long time, although my SomewhatInked account is still hanging around, so I might use it to check in on you all occasionally.
I'm leaving a lot of things undone here, like Teratophoneus Tales, the history wall, our decimated staff team. But I honestly think that you all are smart enough to finish these things and get Dinopedia back up on its feet.
With my account deactivating this evening, I think I might hang around the wiki a bit more today, so who knows what my actual final post will be?
I'd like to give a shoutout to Palaeontologica, for teaching me a ton about dinosaurs and other stuff. Also a shoutout to @Kelbeam and @Savage Almond for weirdly devoloping my sense of humor. @Gojiraaaaaaaaa your creativity and art never ceased to amaze me, and I hope you keep drawing and writing, because I will never be able to get enough of your spec evo. @Nizaluddin you're probably one of the nicest people on the entirety of Fandom, and you're one of the few people keeping this wiki sane. @Mimikyutube your spinwheels and stories are incredibly fun to read and are a solid part of wiki history.
With that stuff all out of the way, it's on to my final challenge for you all. Can we get 69 likes on this post? We'll need all the support and likes we can get, so feel free to spread the word around other wikis for people to upvote.
Well, that's it. I'll see you all on the other side my friends.
@Savage Almond @Kelbeam @Mimikyutube @Bajadasaurus234 @Tyrann0saur125 @The dragnor @PowerLord23 @Nizaluddin @ScaryLookinHobo @Venomspino @Parkersaurus @DragonSaber73 2 @Andromedus the dragon @VaranMan @Potatopotato2 @Jwelegendary @Deltadromeus445-2 @Skorpiovenator bustingorry @Temertyorum @Jag D-Q @Acrocanthosaurus Atokensis @Concaventor Wrangler @Lamborlobator @Man with no name or life
I think that's all of them