Anyway I propose calling it:
Carcharodontosaur: Deusvenator infernum “Hell’s God Hunter”
Megaraptoran: Neshamaraptor imperator “Emperor Soul Thief/Stealer”
Before everyone screams and such, I need to add that this is still EXTREMELY FREAKING SPECULATIVE
We only have ONE bone that is FRAGMENTARY.
It may be a carcharodontosaur or megataptoran(the latter is ultra based)
This one bone is a vertebrae from the tail.
The paper used the same vertebrae from an Acrocanthosaurus specimen.
They measured it at 45% bigger.
Doing math or whatever, it would calculate that the volume(weight) is 200% larger than Acro’s.
Acro has a weight of 6 tonnes, so this theropod would be 18 tonnes.
Please do note that this is ONE BONE of an EXTREMELY FRAGMENTARY SPECIES. And that ONE BONE is all we have.
If it’s actually larger than Rex, that’ll be a surprise, but the odds are against its favor.
Rexy/Anky out
This is Anky on an alt for ease of logging in, but hell yeah
Now draw something in the Paleozoic. Perhaps Arthropleura squaring up against Proterygrynius or however you spell it for a WWM reference?
Also, in Ark, whenever your Daeo is low on food, it takes literal AGES to fill it back up, so it’s super annoying
Let’s see, pop media appearances I can think of:
Jurassic World Alive
Jurassic Park Builder
Jurassic World The Game
Fossil Fighters + Fossils Fighters: Champions
Forgotten Bloodlines: Agate (UNRELEASED)
Jurassic Park Builder
Prehistoric Predators as “Dinohyus”
Andrew is also a very good mobility and cave(I think at least) moubt
Andrewsarchus has a turret on its back.
Also, Daeo is literally only useful because of that. I don’t know anyone that’d choose a pack of daeo without healing instead of a pack of direwolves
Andrew also have a much cooler taking method than Daeos(source: I play Ark)(I’m Anky)
I’m going to lock. Theri’s claws are fragile, plus it’s 2 tonnes smaller than Deino, who’s better built for fighting anyway
^time to get wasp and/or spider toxins
This Ankysareawesome dude sounds cool, just like me! Maybe it's because he is me!
Me :3
Can I join as well?
Tomfoolery time
I'm reposting his meme without permission >;3
Finally, I can do tomfoolery with 0 people around to stop me! Yipeeeeeee!
Quote from a random fanfiction I'm reading:
"greatest movie in the history of the universe: Zombie Hamster Ninjas vs Robot Dinosaur Pirates."
@RogerMadruga I only see 3-4 creatures that lived at the end Cretaceous
Black: Ankylosaurus
White: Tyrannosaurus