Maybe backlash from those who just can't stand non feathered dromeosaurs did it or maybe they saw how more popular and accepted feathered dinosaurs were and decided to go in that direction
How do I put my thoughts into text without sounding like an absolute douchebag (to those that would take it too seriously).... I have less than a day to think
Deinon from JwE came before the JWA one. Just putting that out there
What do you mean, Spinofaarus is beautiful
Yeah I set it for deactivation. This has been taking A LOT more time than it feels like. 30 days has never felt like 2 months
Damm my account only has 1 day left to live 💀
Also 1910-1960 spino enjoyers rise
Dude... polar bears pull of the cutest faces in the carnivore world yet they will murder you the second they can
I already assumed they were rickrolls and now you putting that message gives me more reason not to look at the videos, or any of those links
I mean I prefer shrink wrapping over seeing a dinosaur who looks like it came from deviant art
Edit: I'm not talking about hadros with acceptable levels of thick. I'm referring to those dinosaurs that are so fucking rotund their legs look like knubs
Wait.... you respect it and aren't going to start something over one sentence!?
Beautiful made
Cambrian period better than ultraman fight me
Animals having the baby making time. It's just weird. Imagine someone asking what you are watching and then walk into you looking at 2 animals having sex
What does this have to do with dinosaurs or other prehistoric life
All of these radiate meme potential
Lorge crocodile like animal
I put the skull emoji after the 600 years old message for a reason
I dont