This new dinosaur is another stegosaur in the Cretaceous period just like Dravidosaurus (is it a stegosaur or a plesiosaur. I am not sure), and Wuerhosaurus. (The name of the new genus is Yanbeilong btw)
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This new dinosaur is another stegosaur in the Cretaceous period just like Dravidosaurus (is it a stegosaur or a plesiosaur. I am not sure), and Wuerhosaurus. (The name of the new genus is Yanbeilong btw)
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As of writing this, it is NOT a series. In order to get the next episode(s), we will need a certain amount of upvotes and/or comments. I have stated this idea multiple times in the Nest. After this episode is done, I will post the required amount of upvotes/comments for episode 2.
Main characters:
Story Stuff I Guess:
Kamura Village had the sun rise over the beautiful landscape it called home. As Wuerhosaurus walked around, getting ready to have lunch, he suddenly heard someone scream and waddled to investigate. "What's going on?" He asked, as the whole town seemed to be gathered there. "Yamogi can't make us anymore food, as the trade route for the food has been blocked by a Great Izuchi," said Tyrannosaurus in anger. "NO MORE FOOD!??!?!??!?!?" Screamed Ankylosaurus, as he fell down to the ground, weeping in pain. Edmontosaurus ran over to comfort him by putting her hand on his back.
"We need to save the village! We need more food!" Wuerhosaurus said defiantly. "Well, that's easy for you to say. You can eat the plants off the ground. I'm stuck with the Bunny Dango," replied Tyrannosaurus. "Why is the trade route closed?" asked Wuerhosaurus. "A Great Izuchi has stopped it, like what I just stated earlier," replied Tyrannosaurus. Wuerhosaurus made his way to the leader of the village, a man called Elder Fugen.
"Elder Fugen! Elder Fugen!" panted Wuerhosaurus as he ran up the very small flight of stairs, "I think that me, Tyrannosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and Edmontosaurus can go and stop and defeat the Great Izuchi! We can learn how to hunt and defeat it so we can get the trade route back up!!" Elder Fugen stared at Wuerhosaurus in shock of how eager he was. "Well then," he stated, "Go get the others. I will let you guys choose your weapons". Wuerhosaurus did as he was told, grabbing Tyrannosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and Edmontosaurus and briefing them on the plan.
"So, do we just choose a weapon?" asked Tyrannosaurus, somehow still being sane. "Yeah, pretty much" said Wuerhosaurus as he brought a box of weapons. Before he could even explain what the weapons were, Ankylosaurus took out a hammer and looked at it in glee. "Hammer cool. Hammer bonk. Hammer fun," said Ankylosaurus, with the simple words conveying a lot of emotion.
Tyrannosaurus reached into the box next and found a Greatsword. "Brilliant. A nice, deadly, and powerful sword. Perfect to match the Tyrant Lizard King in dignity," he said was observing it, "I shall lo-oof!" he continued after Edmontosaurus pushed him aside to choose her weapon, which turned out to be a hunting horn. "Wow, I can't belive it! A Hunting Horn! I can finally be better than my stupid cousin! Screw you Parasaurolophus!" she screamed in delight.
As Wuerhosaurus looked inside, he saw a cool weapon that had a Meganeura attatched to it. "Ooh, this weapon looks cool! It even comes with a free bug!" Wuerhosaurus said in happiness. He then turned to Elder Fugen. "Thanks for the weapons! We'll come back to you after we defeat the Great Izuchi!" He called out. "But don't you have to train?" Asked Elder Fugen, but the four were already off.
"So, does anyone actually know where the Great Izuchi is?" asked Tyrannosaurus as they started hunting it. "No idea. Go use your super sense of smell or whatever to find it Mr. Bozo brains," replied Wuerhosaurus, who was experimenting with Wirebugs to go into the air and attack. "Fine. Let's go find it. I'll sniff it out for us!" said Tyrannosaurus, his voice rising in a bit of anger. Tyrannosaurus started to sniff the air, but he stopped in shock. He turned around to see the Great Izuchi was stalking them.
Tyrannosaurus pulled out his Greatsword as everyone turned around to face their foe. The smaller Izuchis ran around their feet, trying to slice at them and cause disarray. Wuerhosaurus used a Wirebug to get into the air and tried to ambush the Great Izuchi, but he missed by about 20 feet.
The Great Izuchi turned and tried to slash Wuerhosaurus with its tail, but he blocked it with his Insect Glaive. The Meganerua flew around the Great Izuchi, trying to fight it.
"Now I see," said the Great Izuchi with glee, "You deny your weapon its purpose". "My Insect Glaive is a tool to stabby stab stupid monsters like you," said Wuerhosaurus in reply to this comment. "Your weapon yearns to have all three extracts," said Great Izuchi.
With a flick of his tail, Great Izuchi knocked the Insect Glaive out of Wuerhosaurus's hands, but before he could do the finishing blow, Wuerhosaurus jumped in the air and sliced the leg of Great Izuchi with his thagomizer.
Great Izuchi stumbled, but he retaliated with a counter attack into a spin, slashing at Wuerhosaurus's underbelly. Before he could do his next attack, Ankylosaurus came out of nowhere, holding his Hammer in his mouth and spinning, bashing Great Izuchi's leg with both his Hammer and tail club.
Great Izuchi walked backwards, and did a flip into the air, stabbing his scythe tail into Ankylosaurus's back, but he quickly let go.
As Great Izuchi prepared his next move, Tyrannosaurus yelled for him. "GREAT IZUCHI!! I want to talk to you!". Great Izuchi turned to face Tyrannosaurus. "What do you want from me, you great lizard behemoth?" he replied. Tyrannosaurus stared at him. "I propose a truce. Between us and Kamura Village with you and the Izuchis."
"A truce? That's insane!"
"Ehh, it's not as insane as the people I had to be with today."
"Well, at least tell me this truce you speak of."
"I propose two new hunting methods for you, and you keep off our trade routes and become allies in arms."
"Show me these hunting methods you speak of, and then I'll consider a truce."
Tyrannosaurus put away his Greatsword. "Well, I'll need an Izuchi as a volunteer". Great Izuchi pondered this for a moment before saying something. "Izzy! I require your services," yelled Great Izuchi, as a regular Izuchi went and stood right beside him. "I need you to be the volunteer that this, somewhat sane man is talking about."
Tyrannosaurus grabbed Izzy and brought him to a little valley, and then stuck his tail into the wall of the valley. "So, watch this carefully. It may be a bit complicated". Tyrannosaurus maneuvered Izzy up the valley walls, where he unstuck his tail, made him do a backflip up, and made him stick his tail in the wall again, and repeat. "So. You see here that he is currently stuck to the wall. Now, if you were to have a prey item in the middle of this valley, and you wanted to set up a deadly ambush, just follow the next step". said Tyrannosaurus as he continued his demonstration. He grabbed Izzy again, unstuck him, and he did not make them backflip up, but instead, backflip forward, and they would ambush their enemy from above, with their deadly tail slashing the enemy for Great Izuchi himself to be able to get the finishing blow.
"I, am, quite impressed," Said Great Izuchi, pondering this method, "It might actually work, so I'm very surprised". Tyrannosaurus nodded his head in thanks. "Shall we move on to the next method?" asked Tyrannosaurus. "Certainly." said Great Izuchi.
As they headed to the next demonstration with Izzy, Edmontosaurus looked quite delighted. "Guys! I finally figured out how to play music on my Hunting Horn! Listen!" said Edmontosaurus, as she started to play this track
"That's some nice music!" said Ankylosaurus in praise. "So, should we check what's going on with Tyrannosaurus?" asked Wuerhosaurus. "Nahh, we shouldn't," said Edmontosaurus, "We have to take time away from him. He's not the main character".
Tyrannosaurus walked back with Great Izuchi to the gang, seemingly happy. "Well, I'm happy we managed to finish the truce". Said Tyrannosaurus. "Well, you're the one with the ideas. I should be thanking you!" said Great Izuchi.
"Anyhow. we sadly have to go now. Goodbye Great Izuchi!" said Tyrannosaurus, grabbing the gang as they headed back to Kamura Village.
As they headed back into the village, the four of them were celebrated as heros.
"Come on guys, let's go and get some sleep, because we need it in order to become sane." Said Wuerhosaurus. "I agree," said Edmontosaurus.
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Speed:16 Kilometers per Hour
Bite:50 Damage(0 BPS)
Tail Swipe:300 Damage(45 BPS)
Special Attack
Wuerhosaurus slams it’s tail into the foe and cuts it
Cooldown:4 Minutes
Damage:1000(60 BPS)
Wuerhosaurus takes 3/4 Damage from foes
Bleed Resistance
Wuerhosaurus takes 3/5 Damage from Bleed
Wuerhosaurus has a Grey body with a light grey-blue underbelly,it’s got White Stripes and spots with Orange-Red plates
Like a Rhino Wuerhosaurus eats shorter shrubs ,it’s relatively Near Sighted so you should be a bit cautious with it
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