I don’t have any tyrannosaurids from safari Ltd (or at all, to be honest) and I saw this guy and it was cheap so I ordered it. Now I have it here and I gotta say, it’s pretty good.
21 Votes in Poll
Nanuqsaurus, The Polar Bear Lizard
Nanuqsaurus has been crowned the winner of Season 2 of Dinosaur Favouritism, and has been placed as the most favourite Tyrannosaur in Dinopedia!
But always remember folks, from the Small Tyrants like Raptorex, to the behemoths like Tyrannosaurus and Tarbosaurus, all tyrannosaurs and tyrannosauroids are among some of the coolest Dino’s ever, and all are awesome creatures.
All hail The King’s of The Cretaceous 👑
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October 1st, 2023, Denali National Park and Preserve
Two poachers were walking through the woods, not just any woods, but the woods of Denali National Park, in Alaska. If they were caught, they could face 16 months in jail, and pay a fine of over 70,000 dollars. But they weren't here to hunt, they were here for something much different.
"Alright, the boss wants us to search through the park for one of the gangs campsite," said the first poacher.
"Why? and if it's that simple then why do we need guns?" said the second poacher.
"They set out into the park two days ago to hunt Moose or something, I don't remember exactly, but 10 hours ago they suddenly stopped giving us updates on their radio, so we have to go and find what happened and if their okay, and we don't know what caused this, so that's why we need these guns," said the first poacher.
After that, the second poacher became very nervous and walked through the woods just a bit quicker
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" said the second poster when he heard something behind him. Both the poachers turned around and saw a large bull moose grazing about a hundred feet away from the.
Fortunately for the poachers, the moose was preoccupied with its meal and couldn't care less about them. "It's just a moose and you're just paranoid," said the first, but the second poacher couldn't calm down, but he couldn't quite figure out why he was scared, he almost felt like some invisible force was making him scared.
As they continued walking, they didn't see any more wildlife, in fact it became weird that there weren't even birds chirping, which didn't help with the Second poachers panic. Now he was muttering to himself about how this was a terrible idea and they should turn back.
"We're in trouble, this is bad, what if they were killed by something," the second poacher was repeating.
"Would you shut up?" said the first poacher "we're not in trouble, in fact there's the campsite up there, it's no- oh no,"
The campsite had been partially destroyed and there were no signs of the other poachers.
"what happened here, maybe you were right about them being attacked," but what kind of animal would do this," the first poacher said.
"what kind of an animal attacks a group of people AND a moose," said the second poacher looking at the skeleton of a moose.
"So a predator did come through here, but if it did attack the gang, why would it attack a moose as well? I mean it had to attack them, that's why the campsite was destroyed, but predators don't do this, not any in Denali at least. This makes no sense, what do you think?" the first poacher said, turning to the second, only the second wasn't there. He turned to see the second sprinting in terror, but also confusion.
"RUN!" he shouted.
All of a sudden a blur of grey bolted through the woods and grabbed the second poacher with its massive mouth. There were screams and shrieks but then everything went silent with the sounds of cracking bones, and the thud of a rifle falling to the ground. The second poacher bolted.
He radioed his boss as he sprinted away.
"We found the camp, they're gone, all of them, and Joe too."
"what do you mean?" said his boss.
"something killed him, I don't know what, but it looks like a bear combined with an eagle, in fact could it be? no, that's impossible, they went extinct," the first poacher said.
"what? I have no idea what you're talking about, what's extinct?," his boss replied.
"it looks almost like a DINOSAUR," the poachers said, "but it's covered in fur, it's almost like it's built for the cold."
"Really?" his boss responded, not with skepticism or fear, but with interest and maybe even excitement.
"Yes, it tried to attack me, but I think it's gone, I need to get out of here, over and out," the poachers said, switching off his radio. "I'm safe," he said to himself, but he spoke too soon.
As he walked through the woods he heard a twig snap. He turned around and saw the same grey creature charging at him. He began sprinting away, running in zigzags to try and confuse it. Fortunately he had come to a road outside the national park where his truck was parked. He quickly got in as the animal broke through the trees and into the open, but he managed to drive away.
As he drove, he sighed to himself, he was okay. He turned onto a road that headed into the small town of Richard's landing. But then something went terribly wrong. The creature had come back, it ran out of the woods and in front of the car. He hit the brakes as the animal ran across the road.
But then, as the animal ran into the woods, he looked to the side and saw another one running towards the woods. He felt the force of the animal hitting the car. He felt himself rising into the air, He felt himself hitting the ground
And then everything went black.
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