Dinosaurs are often considered Titans,but Gigantism isn’t a thing,until now,this is South America,175 Million Years ago,home to the first ginormous creatures,they are animals that all see as might,and their lives are always at risk,in the Hellish Paradise
An Asfaltovenator roars into the air
We see a harem of these giants move along
Bachytracelopan,at 11 Meters and nearly 6 Tons.Their the most common herbivore here.
We then cut to a herd of Patagosaurus
These are the largest herbivores here,as long as 3 Great White Sharks and weighed 12 Tons
We then see some smoll bois eating the insects around the big bois
Heterodontosaurs like this Manidens are on their final stretch.They’re mostly herbivorous but insects are also a major part of their diet.
Then something jumps out as the Manidens screams,the screen cuts to black as the Manidens’s corpse falls.We then see its killer
Condorraptor was a 5 Metere Predator
Then we see a predator roar as the Condorraptor grabs its kill and escapes.
We see an Asfaltovenator fighting a Stegosaur
That moment when you nearly break you leg.
This tiering battle happens for a while but eventually the Asfaltovenator bites it neck and kills it.2 other relative,probably siblings,start eating the Stegosaur
Then these guys show up like 4 Hours later…
Allkauren is a Pterosaur,but it’s not built for bugs like Dimorphodon but instead,fishing and scavenging.
Later on we see an epic mob attack on a Bachytracelopan.
In this desert land,the sun is the deadliest killer,this young Bachytracelopan is almost dazed and can’t defend itself.
After a few bites from the mob of Condorraptor the young Bachytracelopan falls to heat stroke and the mob eats.
Their fattening up for the dry season.The deadliest season of this desert.
Later a Manidens herd starts hunting for insects as plants start getting scarce.A pair of Asfaltovenator sees them but ignores them,their on the hunt for Patagosaurus.They spot a herd of Patagosaurus and start running,just like this.
After the Adolescent Patagosaurus it dazed from the heat he falls,the larger male finishes off the young sauropod with a bite to the nec.Later on they eat.
This meat is enough for many days.
5 Months Later….
The sauropods move on,however the other animals stay,but there is bad timing.The Mother Asfaltovenator has kids now so she has to stay.Her mate leaves and she has to stay.
Her kids are to young to follow the herd.
Normally the Condorraptor can stay while the Asfaltovenator go,but the mom stays.
Then we see the babies hunt an Allkaruen.
These kids are already hunters.
Later on the mom has to hunt and leave her kids.
Menawhile a Condorraptor is chasing a Manidens when he sees the kids.He faces and snarls at them.
He has to kill them and get rid of competition.
He jumps and attacks them,he grabs one and shakes it,killing the kiddo,he slashed another one with a slam and kills it too,one more gets killed and is about to kill the las two when the Asfaltovenator roars and chases him off.
Fastforward 1 Year…
Finally their old enough to hunt,but mom needs to find food.She attacks a Stegosaur,and she has an epic battle,but in the end,her sore leg from her first fight against a Stegosaur,yeah she was the one in the beginning.She has to escape,her kids must be hungry but stuff gets worst.
Its the mother’s last day.
A Condorraptor scents her as she falls,she tries to attack but it’s useless,she gets mobbed and dies.
Thankfully her kids are able to survive on their own.
A sad music plays as the kids mourn their mom.
2 Years later cause yee….
One of the Asfaltovenator,the male,has kids of his own,and he passes his genes
This is the rise of the major dinosaurs,and now the Dinosaurs grow even stronger
A herd of Shunosaurus appears
These 10 Meter Chinese dinosaurs are on a migration,but predators are never far
These Yangchuanosaurus are the apexes.
He chows on an Omeisaurus
This is the harsh jungle life of “dragons”,Prehistoric Dragons
Find out about the lives of Prehistoric Legends
@The dragnor
@Savage Almond
@Concaventor Wrangler