For those who have not seen or forgot what happened, here is a link to the incident report
When the dead scolosaurus body arrived at the headquarters, it was clear it was attacked by a predator with a huge bite force. This was seen as chunks of back armor were missing. But after looking more closely, they were able to see a pair of holes not normally on a scolosaurus. This was the trademark killing blow of one predator the trykosaurus, a highly aggressive therapod hybrid that is one of the biggest predators that existed man-made or naturally evolved. It is essentially a tyrannosaurus with a thagomizer and ankylosaurus armor. The team was able to confirm the species with a shed tooth lodged in the body. So the team got a vehicle ready as well as tranquilizers to go after the hybrid.
By the time they got there, another attack happened. This time, it was a state game warden attacked by a stegoceras fleeing what has been confirmed to be a Albertospinos.
This complicated things. The team was ready for one large carnivore not two. So they called the facility and they asked for a transport cage for a spinosaurid to be sent to where the team was using as base camp.
Before they were able to finish the call reports over the radios of the trackers finding both predators fighting over a dead Roosevelt Elk. The two species were squaring off circling each other. Then the Albertospinos lunged at the trykosaurus only to get nailed in the head by the trykosaurus' thagomizer killing it.
The drought was the reason for this odd behavior. Normally these two species would not fight due to filling different niches. But with the drought it has forced the normally a piscivore albertospinos into hunting down land based prey. Sadly the albertospinos didn't not survive the fight. But the team was able to capture the trykosaurus and bring it to the holding facility for animals that posed a threat. The team also stated to hire new members in different fields to help with things.
These are the animals that were mentioned in the investigation:
I would like to hear feedback from people if possible
Also to those who signed up to be characters in the story don't worry the employees that was hired because of this investigation are the people who wanted to be in the story except one
@Venomspino @ScaryLookinHobo @Cooner21 @Rexyisdebest @Nonotbeast
34 Votes in Poll
And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Every single thing tried to beat the chad majungasaurus and they lost cause it has too much power
Requested by @AnkyBoi1024
Daspletosaurus walks in the beach and plays with Tyrunt while the 2 of them watch as Sharkpedo watches Arctozolt act like some madman in the beach water and Dracovish being an absolute lazy-ass on the sand other than just lay down on the sand until Chomp from Dinosaur King gets in the beach and acts like a madman with Arctozolt while Siamraptor lies down with Dracovish and does little to nothing with Dracovish because Siamraptor is just that lazy like Dracovish.
Requested by @Deltadromeus445-2
Zangoose realizes this series is fucking stupid and snaps everyone's neck
Requested by @Mimikyutube
Tyrannosaurus gets Minecraft TNT, and blows up every Kalos Pokémon, and sends the 3 quadrillion fully Mutated and leveled ARK Gigas, and Brontosaurus to destroy every non-legendary Pokémon and their spawners
Requested by @Rexyisdebest
Wario snaps a Prenocephale's neck
Alolan Raichu forces Patagotitan, Scolosaurus, Plateosaurus and Sinosauropteryx to eat iHop pancakes
Leafeon gets Gallimimus and Lufengosaurus lost in a giant forest
Grant destroys the skeleton of a Caudipteryx
Dragalge drowns a Woolly Mammoth
13 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
22 Votes in Poll
19 Votes in Poll
I made this chart
Scoliosissaurus was about the same height as Lythronaxes shoulders so the only way it can reach it is if it bends down which is’s neck is to wide for lythronax to bite down on.
21 Votes in Poll
17 Votes in Poll
So far book 1 is in the dinosaur park formation,I swear I want to do some 50 books.
So what do you think?Here is the creature list
Centrosaurus(Main Lead)
Parasaurolophus(Main Lead)
Stegoceras(Main Lead)
Latenivenatrix(Main Lead)
Daspletosaurus(Main Lead)
Thoughts on it
24 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll