Those who know:
29 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
So there's this new paper, and it turns out Saichania and Pinacosaurus, at the very least, had a legit larynx. It's convergent with an avian syrinx, closest to songbirds and parrots, so it's within reason that ankylosaurs could fucking chirp.
34 Votes in Poll
And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Kaprosuchus takes a tododile as a comfort pet after seeing its entire family killed by onyx
Requested by @D1n0635
Australovenator, Cumnoria, Steven Stone, Lt. Surge, Cynthia and a new member, Walter White rise from general obscurity, managing to make peace treaties with Kanto and Johto. Most of their team are dead, however
Requested by @Gojiraaaaaaaaa
Tyranosaurus eats weavile
Requested by @Anatotitan
While Eternatus is distracted with Clawitzer and Peeko, Hop and Comodactylus come back for no reason and head to the Kanto region, along with a seggsy Slaking
Requested by @Mimikyutube
Magnezone zaps an Apatosaurus and Maiasaura to death
Lana drowns a Saichania
Muttaburrasaurus dies after Lenora and Roxie shoot it in the head
Aromatisse kills Tarchia after using a gun
And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Tyrannosaurus and Ash Ketchum get into a lightsaber fight ultimately ending with a draw after they saw no point on killing each other
Requested by @Skorpiovenator bustingorry
Our peace seeking posse is joined by Timurlengia and Suskityrannus
Requested by @Bajadasaurus234
Carnufex does a backflip, snaps the bad guy’s neck, and saves the day
Requested by @Nizaluddin
Nothronychus and Proceratosaurus get shot by Professor Elm from Pokemon Gold and Silver
Ball Guy on his way to commit terrorism against the Dinosaurs
Requested by @Mimikyutube
And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Yutyrannus but sus
Anodontosaurus sacrificing itself to save Skorpiovenator from Cynthia from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl/Skorpiovenator mourns the death of Anodontosaurus
Requested by @Skorpiovenator bustingorry
Sinotyrannus, Alectrosaurus and Dryptosaurus go on a quest for the peace treaty
Requested by @Bajadasaurus234
Zby shooting guns at Precambian fauna, then realises he bought a Demoman bodypillow
Requested by @Gojiraaaaaaaaa
Grusha from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet rides his Cetitan and fights Triceratops
Requested by @Nizaluddin
A Saichania playing Purble Place, before getting sniped in the head by Professor Juniper from Pokemon Black and White
15 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
22 Votes in Poll
18 Votes in Poll
Fight 1:
Anodontosaurus vs Mymoorapelta
Anodontosaurus rears up and spins at Mymoorapelta slashes it multiple times with his spikes and would slam the Mymoorapelta with his club killing him and not even giving the nodosaurid a chance to attack.
Winner: Anodontosaurus
Fight 2:
Ankylosaurus vs Shamosaurus
Shamosaurus would charge at Ankylosaurus and would slam his club onto the Ankylosaurus side and would try to crush his face with his club only for Ankylosaurus to slam the Shamosaurus with his club.
Winner: Ankylosaurus
Fight 3:
Saichania vs Zhongyuansaurus
Zhongyuansaurus would slash Saichania with his spikes and would try to trample it to death only for Saichania to slam his club onto the Zhongyuansaurus head multiple times to the point where his head explodes.
Winner: Saichania
Fight 4:
Euoplocephalus vs Sauropelta
Euoplocephalus would charge at Sauropelta and would try to smash him with his club only for Sauropelta to dodge him and would use his shoulder spikes to stab him on the chest killing the Euoplocephalus
Winner: Sauropelta
Round 2 contestants:
Fight 1:
Anodontosaurus vs Saichania
Anodontosaurus would rear up and would spin and would slam the Saichania in the face with his club only for Saichania to do the same to Anodontosaurus only for Anodontosaurus to slam Saichania multiple times with his club killing him.
Winner: Anodontosaurus
Fight 2:
Ankylosaurus vs Sauropelta
Ankylosaurus would charge at Sauropelta and would slam the Sauropelta on the side with his club only for Sauropelta to stab the ankylosaurus on the chest and would slash the chest of Ankylosaurus open killing it brutally.
Winner: Sauropelta
Final-round contestants:
Final Fight:
Anodontosaurus vs Sauropelta
Sauropelta would charge at Anodontosaurus and would spin and slash the Anodontosaurus multiple times on the side causing the Anodontosaurus to roar in pain and would slam one of Sauropelta shoulder spikes of and would spin and would both slam and slash sauropelta with his club and spikes. the Anodontosaurus would rear and would spin and slam the Sauropelta multiple times in the face killing it instantly and brutally before bellowing in victory
Winner: Anodontosaurus
22 Votes in Poll
17 Votes in Poll
Part 1
This explains what Battle of the Dinosaurs is
Division 2
Sub-Division 1
Lambeosaurus kicks Neovenator and crushes his skull
Somehow Lambeosaurus, the dino 2x the size of Albertosaurus, loses to Albertosaurus, I guess he breaks his legbone.
Saichania the walking Tank gets stabbed in the side from Torosaurus
Torvosaurus grabs Albertosaurus's neck an crushes it
Torosaurus:Alright copycat, try me
Torvosaurus:I'll try, to crush your legs
Torosaurus:Sorry, I'm going to just kill you
Torvosaurus:Never, I'll kill you, and your going to be a delicious feast.
Torosaurus:Come on then!
Torosaurus charges and Torvosaurus grabs Toro's horns.Torvo lets go and slams into Toro, Torvo tries to bite but Toro dodges and slashes at Torvo, they charge, fight,attack defend,counter,dodge and.....
Torvosaurus goes down,Torosaurus gauges Torvosaurus's stomach open.
Pings(Ask for it)
32 Votes in Poll
32 Votes in Poll
33 Votes in Poll