4 Iguanodon and 1 Polacanthus, suggest names and I'll pick the ones I like the most
4 Iguanodon and 1 Polacanthus, suggest names and I'll pick the ones I like the most
29 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
25 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
17 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
As the first walls for the first residents of the park's enclosures were being built under the supervision of Rexyisdebest. Concaventor Wrangler and the rest of the capture group including acryallo were getting supplies and provisions ready for the trip to what is now the Isle of Wight. The species the group is going after are Baryonyx, Polacanthus and Brighstoneus. But when going into the past you never know what you will run into. As the group finished packing up the jeep with the supplies. The group walks through the time portal the terrain changes greatly from a savanna to a sub arid environment with some water here and there. As the group goes through the sub arid ecosystem they come across their first form of life in the area a medium therapod dinosaur. As the group got closer they realized that it was a Neovenator. But it was not healthy as it has major lacerations along its legs and some were infected. Concaventor Wrangler feeling pity on this large predatory dinosaur thought that they might be able to bring it back to the park where it could receive medical treatment.
As the group set up the portal the neovenator started paying the humans some attention. Just looking at them confused as it never saw humans before. It then realized that they were slow and possible food so it got up. As it put weight on its left leg it flinched from the pain before hissing at the group and running with a limp at Concaventor Wrangler who ran through the time portal with the neovenator not far behind him. As Concaventor Wrangler got into a observation pen Rexyisdebest was watching from the walkway on top of the walls of the pens. Rexyisdebest said sarcastically"So the first thing you bring back is a large predator? I thought it would be something smaller and more cute." Concaventor Wrangler climbed the ladder as the neovenator limped into the observation pen. "Well I couldn't just leave it there and not feel guilty about leaving it ," Concaventor Wrangler said after closing the door to the entrance of observation pen. As Concaventor Wrangler went back to the capture group he called Megalania Enthusiast about possibly identifying the source of the lacerations on the legs of the neovenator. The capture group got on it's way when Concaventor Wrangler returned and disassembled the time portal. After following a trail of footprints they came across a nest of sorts. The nest was not guarded by the parents at all. But when acryallo went to investigate the nest all the eggs were found to have hatched already. But the amount of fresh tiny footprints near the nest showed what ever hatched from the nest was still in the area. Acryallo decided to stick around the nest in case what hatched returned and the rest of the capture group went to investigate a nearby watering hole near the nest. At the watering hole multiple species of dinosaur were there from iguanodon to a oplosaurus. But trouble was brewing in the sky, due to the timing of the mission it was at the beginning of the wet season and a massive storm was coming from the east that could flood the area. Back at the nest, the baby dinosaurs did return back to the nest. The only problem was since acryallo didn't have a time portal rods with them they contacted the rest of the group and they came to help bring the babies back. The species of the babies turned out to be Polacanthus one of the species they were looking for. There was only one problem something big followed the group's jeep to the nest a spinosaurid but with a few known from the time and place they were at they couldn't properly identify it here and now. To protect the baby Polacanthus acryallo used some nearby plants as a lure to get the babies through the portal. While the others kept the spinosaurid distracted by using the jeep's horn to keep its attention on them. Once the babies were through and out of harm's way acryallo went back through to help get the spinosaurid which was identified after looking closely at it as a baryonyx through to the park. While this was going on Megalania Enthusiast and Rexyisdebest dealt with the babies which had two different patterns depending on gender.
The babies were put in the park's nursery pen. But not long after the baryonyx came through the time portal one of the park staff threw a small dead halibut in the entry to lure in a observation pen with success.
Megalania Enthusiast was able after looking at the baby Polacanthus' tail and the neovenator's wound images they determined that the leg injuries were from an adult Polacanthus in a fight. The group held a vote to see if going after a Brighstoneus was worth it. After votes were counted it was determined that they would go back to the watering hole and if some were not there they were going to give up as they did not want to risk getting stranded in the storm. So the capture group went back through the time portal to the watering hole. At the watering hole they got lucky and found a lone male Brighstoneus drinking at the watering hole. They decided to try to get it through the time portal by spooking it but it didn't end well. The male Brighstoneus wasn't truly alone it was just the only one the group could see as a female with babies were nearby in some plants. The two parents when the jeep got close to where the babies were attacked the jeep by stomping it and side checking it. The parents did follow the jeep through the portal but the babies didn't. Once the parents were in a observation pen acryallo took it apon themselves to get the babies the two Brighstoneus had in hiding. They found them and brought them to the parents in the pen.
A few days later. With all the dinosaurs brought back either being watched for medical reasons or in their pens things quieted down. Also a researcher named scarylookinghobo was hired to research the animals brought back.
Next time we to the ice age to go after one of the largest sloths to ever live and trouble brews between two of the park's largest inhabitants*the growling of the neovenator is heard from the other side of the walls as a splintering noise is heard*
19 Votes in Poll
And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Galeamopus looks at the dodo before walking away from him in anger not doing anything but being mad at the dodo for all the crimes he has committed to the multiverse and for Shaggy only because he was stopping wars at other planets before creating a small resistance to rebel against dodo, the resistance includes, Suchomimus, Ichthyovenator, Acrocanthosaurus, Sachicasaurus, Deltadromeus and its owner, Deltadromeus445-2 to revolt against dodo all for his crimes before Deltadromeus445-2 recruits another member in the resistance, Rexyisdebest./Everyone spontaneously combusts/The Dodo prepares to fight the resistance, but he’s to busy writing his story, so everyone has to wait before they fight/Fulgur Anjagnath and an Ark Giga get into a fight, but they make a truce and start to summon Bob
Requested by @Deltadromeus445-2 @Rexyisdebest
Squishy the diplocaulus sends bowser into the sarco pit of eternal torture while moschops is eating bowsete
Requested by @D1n0635
A dakotaraptor eats wulfric
Carcharodontosaurus crushes Goomba
Alolan Meowth and Greavard get killed by Fabrosaurus, Polacanthus, Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus
Stegosaurus gets eaten by Dusknoir while Euoplocephalus and Coelophysis, being next, watch in horror
Amaura crushes Westlothiana
What would have happened if a duo of Polacanthus met with the largest Abelisaurid ever named, Pycnonemosaurus, battled with each other? Would the Polacanthus duo use teamwork to their advantage and defeat the Pycnonemosaurus, or, would the teamwork Polacanthus duo not be enough and lose to the Pycnonemosaurus? Let's find out as we check out Mesozoic world battle series.
Note: some (yes some, because some of them might not be from the Dinopedia pages) of the info I'm getting is from the Dinopedia pages of both dinosaurs.
In the red corner, we have the largest Abelisaurid named, Pycnonemosaurus.
Pycnonemosaurus stats:
Size: 8.9 meters in length and 4 metric tons in weight
Speed: 27 mph
Bite force strength: most likely high
Weapons: large size, powerful bite, and speed (bias to speed not intended)
Defence: some osteoderms
And in the blue corner, we have a Polacanthus duo
Polacanthus duo stats:
Size: 5 meters and 2 tons (10 meters and 4 tons when added up)
Speed: N/A but I do know it is slow (I couldn't even find anything useful)
Bite force strength: N/A
Weapons: spikes, tail spikes, numbers, armor
Defence: armor, sacral shield, spikes
Pycnonemosaurus advantages: bite strength, larger (when not adding them up), and faster
Polacanthus duo advantages: better defence, tail spikes, sacral shield, numbers, armor, lower center of gravity
Pycnonemosaurus disadvantages: higher center of gravity, alone, little armor, less better defence, no sacral shield, no tail spikes
Polacanthus duo disadvantages: slower speed, no bite strength, and smaller
Where it will be taking place in: an amethyst cave
A Polacanthus duo is seen with each other walking in a cave and would later on stumble upon an amethyst cave, a cave that they do not recognize. A Pycnonemosaurus would later stumble upon the Polacanthus duo and the amethyst cave. The Pycnonemosaurus would let out a roar-like sound before charging at the Polacanthus duo. One of the Polacanthus would rear up and would try to slam the Pycnonemosaurus on the leg only for the Pycnonemosaurus to walk over the Polacanthus' tail and would try to bite the other Polacanthus on the neck only for the Polacanthus to rear up and slam its spikes onto the Pycnonemosaurus on the back of the ankle pushing it forward. The Pycnonemosaurus would roar at the Polacanthus duo and would bite one of them on the tail and would lift it slightly off the floor and would slam it on the amethyst knocking it out the Polacanthus. The other Polacanthus would charge at the Pycnonemosaurus and would slash the Pycnonemosaurus on the foot after it tried to stomp it on the back and would later on try to slash it on the leg only for the Pycnonemosaurus to bite the Polacanthus on the leg and would pick up slightly off the floor and would throw it a few meters away. The Polacanthus that was knocked out by the Pycnonemosaurus would get up but would later bellow at the Pycnonemosaurus and would charge at it and would rear up and would try to stab it on the chest with its spikes only for the Pycnonemosaurus to bite it on the neck and would lift up slightly off the floor but the Polacanthus would slash it multiple times on the side and after that, the Pycnonemosaurus would throw it and after that, the Polacanthus would be stabbed on the chest by a sharp piece of amethyst causing the Polacanthus to bellow in pain before letting out a final bellow before closing its eyes lifelessly, dead. The Polacanthus that didn't die would see the Pycnonemosaurus looking at his friend and the Polacanthus would let out a bellow, angered at the death of his friend. The Polacanthus would later on slam the Pycnonemosaurus on the leg with his tail before stabbing the Pycnonemosaurus on the chest, injuring the Pycnonemosaurus. The Pycnonemosaurus would later look at the Polacanthus before walking away injured by the deadly blow. The Polacanthus would later mourn and would bellow in victory.
Conclusion: Though the Pycnonemosaurus was able to dispatch one of the Polacanthus in the duo, it was too distracted on his kill before being injured heavily by the last Polacanthus of the group and would be defeated. Pycnonemosaurus may have been larger but the Polacanthus spikes and armor were just a bit much for the Pycnonemo to handle.
Winner: Polacanthus
And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Sophocles from Pokemon Sun and Moon tries to experiment on Xenotarsosaurus but fails and gets killed by Xenotarsosaurus.
Requested by @Skorpiovenator bustingorry
Sinotyrannus, Alectrosaurus and Dryptosaurus are joined by Nessa
Requested by @Bajadasaurus234
Red is killed by Stenonychosaurus in the battle and Dinosaurs win the Battle of Hell Creek
Requested by @Nizaluddin
An Australovenator and Macrogryphosaurus get shot in the heads got Professor Rowan from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl while on their way to a Cheesecake Factory
Mustard and his Single-Strike Urshifu kill a pair of Deinonychus while Honey watches in the distance.
Requested by @Mimikyutube
14 Votes in Poll
11 Votes in Poll
Baryonyx: 8.5/10 Accuracy - It looks much more realistic than the Spinosaurus and even has the head crest, but I’m confused why its claws are red.
Stegosaurus: 8/10 - It looks pretty good, but needs a longer neck and a beak.
Polacanthus: 8/10 - Just like the Stegosaurus, all they need is a longer neck, and probably a smaller head.
Here are some less accurate Dinosaurs:
Allosaurus: 3.5/10 Accuracy - This is probably one of my favorite DBWC designs, but its head looks too big and it could have a shorter snout.
Cryolophosaurus: 2.5/10 - It was probably a lot more thin than that, and its snout should be a lot longer.
Pachycephalosaurus: 2.5/10 - Its back shouldn’t be pointed that high, and also it has 5 fingers.
7 Votes in Poll
Starting today's battle, we have Pachyrhinosaurus
And Polacanthus
(The stadium transforms into a salt beach):
Polacanthus uses its spines to attack the Pachyrhinosaurus:
The Pachyrhinosaurus didn't die, but uses its thick-nose to bash the Polacanthus
Polacanthus became injured and succumbed to its injuries
Pachyrhinosaurus advances to the 16th-finals!:
21 Votes in Poll
27 Votes in Poll