Wowieee another custom Ark dossier?!!?!> Thanks to @TheGeckoGamer for the idea and permission to do this series
Common name: Pinaco
Species: Pinacosaurus katedafsis(Demolition)
Time: Cretaceous
Diet: Plants
Temperament: Hurt me and I give you a beating for the ages
Pinacosaurus is one of Extinction's weirder animals. Sure, it has to compete with turret theropods and ice jumping dragon wolves, but Pinacosaurus is stranger because of one thing. It makes a REALLY good Demoman.
Pinacosaurus are often found eating burnt trees for their charcoal. When consuming the charcoal, along with flint and stone, Pinacosaurus creates a gunpowder-like substance that can be used in firearms for deadly effect.
Pinacosaurus are experts at gathering charcoal and flint, which on its own helps tribes make firearms, but a Pinacosaurus can make gunpowder for half the cost! This allows it to be used as a gathering mount, but also allows it to be used as a combat mount. Pinacosaurus saddles are often equipped with cannons or catapults used to help in war or tame larger wildlife, such as a Titanosaur or Rock Elemental.
Saddle Unlock: Basic saddle is at level 35. Cannon/Catapult saddle unlocked at 65. Tek Cannon/Rocket saddle at beating Desert Titan.
Found: Wasteland, Sanctuary. For non Extinction maps, volcanos and deserts.
Speed: Anky-Stego
Attacks: Tail smack, turret/cannon/Catapult(if saddle allows)
Size: Twice as wide as Carbonemys, around length of Stego
Base health: 2300
If you don't hurt him, you're fine
Just passive feed him some beer
Special saddle stuff:
Dynamite! Dynamite is crafted in all 3 saddles. Dynamite requires 50 fiber, 25 gunpowder, and 20 sparkpowder for one. Dynamite gets put into a slot in the saddle and it appears on the tail in the model. It is a one time use to deal either 10 times more damage or gather 7.5 more resources then you normally would with a tail slap.
Cannon/Catapult: They're the same. They get put in a special slot and will fire if you have ammo. They're fired with right click
Tek Cannon/Rocket: Imagine the Mek Module, but place it on a Pinacosaurus. Use this to tame creatures and commit murder as you please.
Anyway, there may or may not be an easter egg where if you kill an Alpha Pinaco(I'm adding those. Yes, Apex Venom from my Quinkana works on Pinaco), you might get a chance to get the Cyclops skin for Pinacosaurus, which gives it an eyepatch and a costume somewhat similar to the Demoman from TF2. Also, all of its roars sound like they've been vocoded to Demoman's speech also.
What do you think of this guy? I think he's a good concept, because if he was a bad concept, I wouldn't be sitting here talking about it to you guys now, would I?
Ask for pings and give suggestions if y’all want!