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These three dinosaurs were named by Henry Osborn on November 7th in 1924!!!
While we didn't plan much of an event like we did with Megalosaurus' 200th birthday, I'd still like to make a post to not only let everyone know, but so we can celebrate how far we've come in our understanding of these guys in a century!
What is your favorite media depiction of these 3 theropods, and what do you think we should do to celebrate any other huge birthdays coming up?
Art by Mario Lanzas
Here's mine: People are always saying how oviraptor doesn't deserve the reputation it gets as an egg thief because the eggs it was discovered on that were once thought to be from a protoceratops were actually its own.
Here's the thing though. we only discovered that the eggs were its own, we never proved it didn't get eggs. Ovirptor probably did eat eggs as they would have been a much easier source of protein then another dinosaur like velociraptor or protoceratops.
This is the last written episode, all the following episodes will be in a comic format! Before we begin, this is my oldest series on the wiki. I want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me on this thus far. I'm sure a lot of people don't remember this series too well as it was almost 2 years ago when I last made a genuine episode. Thank you all, and enjoy!
As per usual, I'll stick to the original style of keeping these fairly short.
The dust billowed, leaving a thick fog in the canyon. Leftover rubble still tumbled from atop the narrow walls. Pinaco could hardly see, everything in their body ached horribly, a vast feeling of guilt clouded them far more, however. He should've done something. Anything. Why bother to talk to the Oviraptor, when far worse concerns were at hand? The land was still plagued with death, the threat still near, his friends fighting. No matter how stoic he had been, it wasn't enough. Creatures should never coexist like this. Were they all even friends? Was this all out of desperation? Pinaco himself had no clue.
Nameless creatures wandering through a desert, following tiny clues and mysterious words for what they could only hope to not be some facade. The footprints had already been a lie. Why did he even rely on all these animals? Pinaco didn't need them. He could do this all by himself. Maybe with the original four. Velo, Proto, and Ovi. If they hadn't been so pitiful, and dragged around whatever survivor they all could find, this mess wouldn't have gotten worse.
He quickly shook his head, ridding of debris resting on it. These thoughts were no help, there were far more vital things to pay attention to. They had all made a promise. Pinaco wasn't going to be the one to break it.
The air was humid, avian creatures chirping on the treetops. A valley carved with rivers like chisels on pottery, the clouds providing shade in the large clearing. Hump-backed waders fed on the water's flora. The only abnormal sight within what appeared to be a paradise was the darkening grass.
The dirt bubbled slightly, tearing at the grass around it. Ash-like particles filled the air almost instantly. The defenses around the canyon millions of years ago did nothing to stop it, a plaque scorched the ground.
Far too late to stop it now.
I'll know.
My claws are forged of the stars and sky, curving around the earth. Wings serve as a blindfold from my own illumination, a curse of my kind. Never to walk among Earth as one form, only to watch and alter what I can. Left to history unknown. Yet no alteration, no power, no warping of the universe, no covering of bones, nothing can stop what I see. An observer trapped in the hell they created. Dust I watched this world be forged from, and now I will watch it crumble. Slowly and horribly.
I have tried so dearly, I have broken timelines, dragged creatures from elsewhere, all have failed to stop it. I have lost my temper, and now I will pay the price. My creations, all to be gone by the next dawn. Time will not heal this wound. Webbed hands to shelter from the sun, a tail to keep the world steady, none of it is enough. It is beyond my control.
The coloration is based on a Cassowary. For reference, I used a Skeleton Diagram by Ivan Iofrida because Scott Hartmann didn't have an Oviraptor skeleton diagram.
I need to do more Oviraptorosaurs! Maybe I'll do Citipati some time. Also, before someone says that its crest is too big, I am aware of this. The crest is mostly Keratin, and only part of it is made of bone.
Hello guys! So well know about prehistoric animals right, and some people might know about seed worlds a kind of Speculative Evolution that has an animal be seeded onto another planet, kinda like Kaimere. So I'd like to see everyone's prehistoric animals seed worlds, because I'd like to make a seed world where some of these creatures are seeded, and it'll sorta like Serina but in a seed world of a seed world. Btw only seed world with prehistoric animals only because this fandom is about prehistoric animals.
35 Votes in Poll
Synopsis: In Michigan, a laboratory has genetically engineered new races of dinosaurs from fusing chickens with the DNA of alligators, peafowl, ostriches, hyenas and Komodo dragons, recreating Oviraptors, Achillobators, Deinonychuses, Velociraptors, Utahraptors, Citipatis, Nothronychuses, Yutyrannuses, and many others, and planned to use the dinosaurs as attack “dogs”. The dinosaurs escaped and started fighting for survival in the forests near the town of Royal Woods. The scientists tried capturing the dinosaurs, but the creatures eluded their attempts, and in a catastrophic incident, the corrupt scientists caused an accident that took the lives of multiple of the town’s kids and teens, including 17-year-old Roberto “Bobby” Santiago and his 11-year-old younger sister Ronalda Anne “Ronnie Anne” Santiago, while trying to recapture a rouge Yutyrannus (which escaped anyway), right in front of Lori Loud and Lincoln Loud (Bobby’s Girlfriend and Ronnie Anne’s Boyfriend respectively). The two traumatised siblings, who have nine other sisters and both parents alive and together, vow revenge on the scientists, and find some unlikely allies in the form of some dinosaurs who become their Guardian Dinosaurs, who share a bond with the kids and protect them from both dinosaurian and other threats!
Rules of the RP: One, adults and teen characters may cuss a bit, but characters who are still children will not. 2: The dinosaurs will all be accurately feathered theropods. 3: The dinosaurs will exhibit speculative bird-like behaviours, including mating dances, pecking, and even mimicry of other animals! 4: May Be Blood in the Death scene that started everything off (that killed some people like Bobby and Ronnie Anne) and some graphic fight scenes.
Human main characters:
Lincoln Loud: An eleven year old boy with freckles and unusual naturally white hair (inherited from his grandfather Albert) and the middle child and only boy among 10 (yes, TEN) sisters, Lincoln is a video-game and comic book fan who wears an orange short-sleeved polo shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers with red lines, he was severely devastated when Ronnie Anne Santiago (his same aged girlfriend and Bobby’s younger sister) was fatally injured and said her last words to him before dying, but he is slowly but steadily recovering thanks to his faithful sisters and parents, plus his BFF Clyde McBride.
Lori Loud: The oldest child of the Loud Family at seventeen years of age, Lori is a blonde haired young woman with Pearl earrings, blue eye-shadow, a blue tank top, brown cargo shorts, and blue flats. She loves using her cellphone, driving (because, so far, she is the only child in her family with a driver’s license), and playing golf. She, like her brother Lincoln, is also recovering from the deaths of the Santiagos (especially since her boyfriend Bobby was the older of the two Santiagos who both died in the incident), and she and Lincoln are recovering slowly but surely with the help of her siblings, parents, and even Clyde (who once had a crush on her, but stopped crushing on her after seeing her miserable, and realised that she truly loved Bobby.
Leni Loud: A sixteen-year-old air headed but friendly and kind-hearted fashionista with blonde hair, white sunglasses, a green dress, and flip-flops.
Luna Loud: Fifteen years old, with brown hair in a pixie cut, freckles on her face, purple eye shadow, black bracelets and earrings, a purple sleeveless shirt with a skull on it, a silver skirt, and purple boots. She is a rock and roll fan and has a purple axe guitar. Luna is in love with Samantha Sharp.
Luan Loud: Fourteen years old, brown hair in a ponytail, braces on her teeth, a white sleeveless shirt, yellow plaid skirt, yellow socks, and brown shoes with flowers. Luan is a comedian who loves telling jokes, playing pranks and saying puns, and owns Mr Coconut, a ventriloquist’s dummy. She loves April Fools Day.
Lynn Loud Junior: This brown haired thirteen-year-old with freckles and a ponytail is an athletic sports fan who loves all manner of sports including football, rugby, and tennis, among others! She wears a white and red sports jersey with a number one on it, red and white shorts, white socks, and football shoes.
Lucy Loud: Despite being an eight-year-old, Lucy has a gothic attire, and attitude to match. She loves poetry, and has long black hair. She wears a black outfit and black shoes, fitting her gothic style. She owns a pet bat named Fangs. (Charles the dog, Cliff the cat, Geo the hamster and Walter the canary are not the only pets of their family.)
Lana and Lola Loud: The six-year-old blonde haired twins with gaps in their teeth (the teeth that fell out were milk teeth), Lana is a talented young mechanic with a pigtails, red cap, white sneakers, and green and blue overalls, who loves playing in the mud, and keeps reptiles and amphibians as pets. Lola, on the other hair, is a beauty pageant champion who wears her hair straight, and wears a pink dress and a tiara like a Princess!
Lisa Loud: One of the most unusual of the siblings, she’s still FOUR years of age, and yet she is a genius and an extreme child prodigy who has a laboratory in the house and a PHD, Lisa has brown hair and wears glasses, a green sweater, dark red-pink pants, and brown shoes. Lisa loves science, experimenting on things, and making brilliant inventions.
Lily Loud: A diaper wearing kid and the baby of the family at just over one year old. Lily has blonde hair and is starting to wear a pink t shirt and pants. Lily is unusually intelligent and perceptive for her extreme youth.
Clyde McBride: An eleven year old African American boy with glasses, freckles, black hair in an Afro, a yellow and blue striped shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. Clyde is Lincoln’s best friend and shares many common interests with him. Clyde is raised by two fathers named Howard and Harold.
Samantha “Sam” Sharp: A fifteen year old member of a rock band and the girlfriend of Luna. She has blonde hair with a blue streak, a blue jacket with a purple skull on the back, purple ripped jeans with a spiked belt, a white shirt with the WHO logo on it, and black combat boots. Sam’s parents are alive and still together, and she has a younger brother named Simon.
Arturo and Maria Santiago: Both in their Thirties-forties with black hair (and a beard in Arturo), Arturo used to be a veterinarian and Maria used to be a nurse until both of their children Bobby and Ronnie Anne died, they had to attend the funeral of their children with their extended family the Casagrandes. Since then, they have started grief recovery meetings and secretly desire revenge on the scientists for taking their beloved children away from them.
Alphonse is Lincoln’s Guardian Dinosaur with white feathers like Lincoln’s white hair.
Otto is another Oviraptor who has blue feathers and lives wild in Royal Woods Park.
Rusty is a female Oviraptor who lives in the forest.
Pecker also lives wild. His blue-green feathers come from his peacock DNA.
Vicious is Lori’s Guardian Dinosaur and her feathers are blonde like Lori’s hair.
Vicky lives wild and has Turkey Vulture DNA, giving her the colouration of said bird.
Vanessa, Lynn Junior’s Guardian Dinosaur, has Scarlet Macaw DNA, as her colourful feathers will tell you, and is as athletic as Lynn herself.
Viper has a venomous bite from his Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake DNA, and his feathers are brown.
Valerie is a black-feathered female who is Lucy’s Guardian Dinosaur. She prefers to hang out with Lucy more than anyone else.
Axe is Luna’s Guardian Dinosaur and he has purple feathers like Luna’s guitar and shirt.
Streak is Sam Sharp’s Guardian Dinosaur. Her feathers are blue with a yellow streak in a reverse of Sam’s hair.
Scarface lives in an abandoned dump which has been cleared out except for some car tires and scrapped cars. She has only one eye, has brown body, arm, and tail feathers with white head feathers as a result of her Bald Eagle DNA, and is unusually big for a Utahraptor. Scarface has adopted a small group of Deinonychus as her own.
Four of them, all with brown feathers, live with Scarface the Utahraptor at the abandoned dump. Scowler has a “berserker” attitude, Snarler’s snout has battle scars, Scratcher’s claws are unusually large, and Sniffer’s sense of smell is akin to that of a bloodhound.
Blue Christine, pink Carly, and the juvenile Yoko are the Guardian Dinosaurs of Lana, Lola, and Lily respectively. Christine loves playing with Lana in the mud, Carly is sometimes dressed by Lola as a dragon, and Yoko is a curious baby just like Lily.
Speckles (not the Tarbosaurus) is an orange male who is Clyde’s Guardian Dinosaur, with birthmarks like his Tarbosaurus namesake, and Einstein is Lisa’s Guardian Dinosaur, with a tawny colour to his feathers.
Two other Stenonychosauruses are a pair of wild-living white-feathered females named Frost and Ice.
Bloodsport and his mate Madam live wild. They are brown with bald heads and Bloodsport is territorial and loves Madam dearly, clearly planning to start a new pack.
Two mated couples live wild, black-feathered Slasher and Slicer, and brown-feathered Buster and Brownie.
The Rogue is an extremely aggressive Yutyrannus with a red crest on her head and white feathers. She is responsible for the incident which claimed the lives of Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and several others. The scientists tried, but failed, to recapture her. The Rogue is the main dinosaur antagonist.
What do you think? Is this worthy of going on DeviantArt, Reddit, and Discord?
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