24 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
So as of writing this, the official Dino Dan channel just uploaded a trailer for some cruddy MetaQuest VR game called DinoHab. This prolly shouldn’t count for the purposes of this series, it wasn’t even made by the same company, but it’s on their channel, and it’s about dinosaurs, so f*** it, let’s do it.
I can’t really say much about the Tricera, it’s pretty generic. The color variants are decent, but nothing notable.
It really bothers me how official sources just call this a “titanosaur”, that’s very unspecific. The head is pretty laughable and a little ugly. The colorations on the other hand is actually pretty solid, the white with dark splotches of this, or the bluish colors of one the alts would look splendid on a proper model.
There’s nothing to say about the Rex, so instead I’m gonna complain about how the baby looks more like a gross little T.Rex goblin creature than an actual baby dinosaur.
Anywaysies, check out the full series if you want, thanks for reading, and goodbye.
Hello, welcome back to the next installment of me looking at the creatures Dino Dan. More episodes of Dino Dex have (unofficially) released, so it’s time for me to look the new information and creatures. Let’s start off with the newbies + sole redesign of this batch.
So Meg got a redesign, and it may have gotten better. I ended up liking slim Meg quite a bit, and the whale shark colors were an excellent choice, might be better than the previous one’s colors, tho both are great in their own ways.
Albertonectes looks pretty good, I like the white base with purple stripes, kinda reminds me of the Snapper from the Meg. And this is obviously a much better design than the Plesiosaurus (ignoring color, that can be debated). I would explain what else I like about the design, but it’s more so just compliments about plesiosaurids in general. Main criticisms are the head shape, and the neck length due to this being Albertonectes, not Elasmo, but they’re not really big deals.
While it would’ve been nice to see regular/short horn Elasmotherium, I’m used enough to the unicorn verison to let it slide (under the context of entertainment rather than education). I do have slight distaste for the double horn, but not as much as a should, and as implausible as the colored horn and gray splotches are, they look kinda cool. Another fairly good addition and nice to see Elasmotherium get more love.
My thoughts on the Dire Wolf are complicated. For years I used to think “oh it’s just a big wolf, who cares”. But then came the reclassification as a jackal relative, which combined with this amazing design of the outdated version, has left me questioning everything I thought about how I felt about the Dire Wolf. I mean look and that majestic, beautiful black pupper! I love it! Why do I think this is cool now!? Do I prefer the outdated version? But how, it’s just a wolf! A beautifully designed wolf, but still! Great design, bad accuracy wise, I like it anywaysies, but that existential crisis will haunt me for a while
For the context of these next four, the episode “Dino World” did the thing with single-appearance creatures in an animated style.
Argentino’s design isn’t that good, I’d argue even Pirmal had a better shape, but the the dark green and brown color scheme are pretty good. There is also an alt with brighter green in its coloration and I like than one a fair bit too.
Deinocheirus looks great in terms of design, and my only issue with it is that the arms and that colors are rather bland. Also, this is the 2nd time an ornithomimosaurid has been relegated to a single appearance as a cartoon, they deserve better.
The Hatzeg is kinda bad, I don’t really like the face shape and the colors aren’t doing much to sway me. The weird crest is definitely what I take the most issue with.
This is basically the JW Mosa but more universally unappealing. I especially hate the dumb eyebrow ridges. Even the colors are a downgrade from the JW one.
Let’s be honest, they just wanted a Kraken to attack the sub and get eaten by Beeg Shark and the Swimmer longnecks, those are only reasons why this goober is here. I should be mad, but honestly, that’s just whatever, I like giant monster cephalopods too. Also, this the 2nd time now Colossal Squid has been given the appearance of Giant Squid and shoved in with a bunch of prehistoric stuff of some reason (Jurassic Park Builder)
Updated notes:
If you want to look at all my entries with updated notes, make sure to check out my blog post of the full series.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, goodbye.
Hello, and welcome back to the return of me analyzing the creatures of Dino Dan! The first batch of Dino Dex episodes has recently come out and given us a slew of new creatures and redesigns for some returners. I’m gonna assume you already know the gist, so I’m just gonna dive straight in! Let’s start off with the redesigns first.
This T.rex design is kinda good, accurate Rexes aren’t a go to for me, but it’s still kinda good. I just wish it had one of the previous designs’ color schemes, because the brownish orange seems kinda generic and black feathers look kinda clashing. If anything, it feels like a downgraded version of the Dinosauria Rex. The hints of blue or green are nice I guess. For me, it’s less good than the Dana Rex designs, but I can’t tell if I like it more or less than the OG Rex.
WHAT THE F#&% DID THEY DO?! They had a near perfect Tricera design for the Dino Dana movie and they tossed that away for this Bobbleheaded Chinasaur! Why is the frill so big!? Tho I do prefer it over the OG Tricera, I can’t lie. I do like the brownish orange and greenish blue highlights. But still, this face shape is pretty atrocious.
New design for Meganeura is fine, tho the new colors I’m not that big a fan of, nor the body proportions. I prefer the old design or Prehistoric Park. Also, nice to see that it is still just Parave food (I sigh, laced with sarcasm).
Hey guys, the early 2000s called, they want their Velociraptor back. Not only is the naked face nearly as bad as the Theri, and the wrong choice of feathers also feels worse than the other paraves, but I also really don’t like the shorter skull or oversized scales on the face. The colors are fine, but a far cry from the website design with the beautiful shades of blue and green, which make me dislike the design even further, given its higher potential. But the orange and yellow face, striped body and blue limbs are kinda cool still, the colors are still good regardless. Also, sad to see they’ve stooped down to uses f***ing Jurassic Park noises. When I look at, it’s good enough, but this design becomes a lot worse when you realize its potential, regardless if it were based on the website or not. Also, nice to see someone go against that pack hunting raptor trope, a trope with such allure that not even f***ing Prehistoric Planet could not resist apparently.
Dreaddy is a neat addition, I like the shape, the coloration is nice and I think the neck flap’s design was done well. Kinda sad how the feet are wrong again, given how Europa had correct feet. Also, I’m suspect that it and Velo were brought in because Dominion and Prehistoric Planet had and they were just late to the party
Tsintao’s crest too wonky and the wrong shape, but honestly, I aesthetically don’t mind it, it looks kinda cool, tho I would prefer something a little more accurate. Also, the inflatable sacs coulda worked on the neck, them being in the crest was a bad call, same for the freaking antenna. I don't like the short face. The body looks nice and I honestly take more offense to it being biped and the weird hands than the crest. The coloration is neat, the grayish purple is simple but effective and the light orange is nice too. Also, nice to see Tsintaosaurus be more than Tarbo fodder.
Megaraptor is cool too, I like shades of orange, the stripes and streak of green. The overall shape looks good too. Tho I don’t really have much else to say about it, so I won’t.
Anky boi looks good, the variety of colors looks really nice and most of the body appears to be spot on. While I do kinda wanna see it with website colors, that would be more for more the novelty of it, because the mix of blue purple and orange is already great.
Man, this Sarco is only the 3rd worst design I’ve seen (*cough* Dino Time Sarco Bros). I do like the colors of the green body and yellow spikes, but they shoulda get make the osteoderms yellow tipped, not those crazy long spikes. That and I’m pretty sure this is just a spikey reskinned gharial from Jane by same studio (basically Dino Dana with modern animals). Really big disappointment, since Sarco is much an awesome looking crocodiliomorph.
Shuvuuia is pretty cute and I like the crest and waddle. The peacock tail fan was good in concept but could’ve been done better. Nice to get some alvarezsaurid representation.
In-case you didn’t know, I’ve also created a blog post where all of my notes for this series have been posted, in case you don’t feel like searching for all the separate episodes (plus a new misc. section). Feel free to check it out.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and goodbye.
Hello, and welcome to the final entry of this series, just one big compilation, compiling my notes of every creature in the series. Just sit back and enjoy my analysis and ramblings.
And there you have it
15 years of content
3 shows
Various apps and games
73 creatures
101 designs
The series is now complete. I might post all of these notes in a blog post for whenever they need updating, and so they’re easier to find, but that’ll take me a while.
As for this series, this may be the finale for now, but I have a feeling this series won’t be gone long.
(Poster by me)
Oh yeah. I’m gonna have a blast whenever this releases! Hope to see you all then!
Hello, welcome to even more Dino Dan creature analysis. I may have run out of canon species to look at, but nothing’s stopping me from doing the website and app exclusive animals!
Unlike the previous episodes, I’m only looking at the accuracy of the designs and thing else about them, I’m not gonna desperately filter though the internet for information about a long dead flash website or toys I prolly can’t buy any more.
Positives = Accuracies
IDK = Can’t find or tell weather that’s accurate/possible or not
Negatives = Inaccuracies
For context of the 1st 6 dinos we’re looking at, the OG Dino Dan series had a toy-line and website with exclusive dinosaurs with 3 designs. A concept art (which everything got, from the main cast to one-offs never got any more), a toy and a 3D model (which were just reskins/slight remodels of the pre-existing cast, tho more understandable for a website than the show itself)
The concept is prolly the best looking among the 3 Velo designs due the feathers and mohawk, though the hands and skull are a turn off. The green blue colors are also really cool.
The toy is honestly just ugly, shame it’s the only one with a good skull
While the website one is kinda bad, I do think it does the colors better than the concept.
Ideal design could concept’s designs, toy’s shape and website’s colors with wings added and neck shortened.
I really don’t like the weird proportions on concept one, but the blue color is also pretty and I think I prefer it to the movie design’s colors
The toy’s face is ugly but has a better body and the website does the colors better than the concept, adding a lovely hint of purple to the mix.
The concept Para is goofy and bad, but it does have the best colors of the 3. The blue is really pretty, tho yellow as a base color wasn’t a good call.
The toy is just mid despite the better face, the website one isn’t a para, it’s a demon.
For context, the Dino Dana games have this weird boxy 2D style which is pretty hit or miss, but they randomly brought back Para and the design is pretty good, especially the new head shape. Too bad it doesn’t have the concept version’s color and has a weird dip in spine.
The concept Styraco has a pretty green with yellow stripes, but the proportions are kinda wonky.
Toy has a better shape, but the eye and mouth freak me out and the colors are washed out
Website has 2nd best color, the addition of blue is great, but the lack of detail makes me prefer the website, tho all 3 are pretty bad in one way or another.
This one’s labeled as “original” cuz I hear Anky will return in Dino Dex BTW
The lavender color on the concept is again, really appealing, but I don’t agree with any of the design choices it has.
Toy’s addition of blue is good, but armor and face are really weird so I don’t like it either.
The website goes for a less appealing pink instead of purple and I don’t about it too
I don’t care for all 3 of these Apato designs, tho the blue with hint yellow looks kinda cool and agian is best on the website version.
The concept Carno has cool spikes and the better colors, the burnt orange looks wonderful but he’s too thicc and the face is all wrong.
The toy is ok, only main issues are color downgrade and still thicc
Notably, it’s the only toy that lacks a website version, prolly cuz they knew nobody would fall for an orange Rex with horns
So on the Dino Dan website, there was art of the Trek’s Adventure dinosaurs (presumably before they appeared in the show) of which I’m skipping most, I promised I wouldn’t do the website/app/whatever versions of the show designs. However, Amarga, Psitacco and Alberto do have completely different designs so…
This Amarga I’m not the biggest fan of, this sail type is fine and the tail’s too short, but it is decent overall and MUCH better than the official one we got. In terms of colors, the Trek’s Adventures precursor is fine, don’t care for it too much, the purple is really pretty, but the show version’s colors are even better than both. I’m kinda sad they didn’t go with this design, (say for the colors).
The mixture of black, orange and white look much prettier to me than the show version. I think the only problem with the body tail is the length and I don’t like it being quadrupedal. The show’s design was good, but with some polishing, I think this one could have been better
This is just a generic blue theropod, kinda boring and I think I owe angy boi an apology.
Just for fun, I also did the Dino Dana ones, even tho them appearing in the website was definitely a coincidence
This Kentro is simply dull and ugly, that’s all that can be said
I am so f***ing upset Dino Dana didn’t use this Incisivo design instead, becuase this one is so much better! The green and orange are much more beautiful and vibrant than the bland cyan and yellow and the mohawk is a much more acceptable goofy feather cut. I don’t even care if it lacks wings and pronates its arms, this would have been so much better!
This Eo is mid, the colors are fine enough, but the deep green of the Dana ver. solos this design, I don’t care if the Dana version is just a green Compy.
I honestly can’t tell if I prefer the green, orange and yellow mix of the show version or prefer the simplistic shades of blue this one has. I also really like the blue eye. With that said, that face is f***ed.
For context, the Dino Dan/Dana AR app randomly added Caribou and Arctodus from another AR app (Planet Ice AR) made by the same company. This appeared in a Dino Dana app, so it counts for my list.
Arctodus is a bit too similar to a regular bear for my tastes, it doesn’t have the freaky proportions nor intimidating presence Arctodus has normally. Colors look kinda cool I guess, I prefer this color scheme to most Arctodus designs
Pretty bland and not even worth my time talking about. These guys only count cuz they too were added to the Dino Dana AR app via codes.
The combo of edgy boi and small boi features is cursed, they really shoulda picked only one. Also that eye is really uncanny. Cool to see it present either way.
Cameroceras is fine, carried by the fact it’s really cool in general, the purple color was a good choice, tho the small shell is really throwing me off, especially for a creature often mislabeled as “Giant Orthocone”.
Weird these two only appeared as mini games enemies with no further focus, too bad they and Dino World Para didn’t get more focus.
Updated notes (updates in highlights):
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed , and goodbye.
I don’t care if the Dino Dana Movie is objectively better overall, Where the Dinosaurs are has best ending of the entire franchise.
Hello, and welcome back to me analyzing the creatures of Dino Dan. If you haven’t seen part 1, basically I’m looking at the design of each creature along with any information given in the show and listing any accuracies or inaccuracies, along with some general thoughts on the design removed from accuracy.
Positives = Accuracies
IDK = Can’t find or tell weather that’s accurate/possible or not
Negatives = Inaccuracies
(Creatures in appearance order)
The T.rex was one thing, but this Triceratops design being this wrong is just baffling. I think aesthetic wise, it’s barely saved by the colors, but still, wow
Ahh, much better. I am bothered by the short brow horns, but this Tricera design looks simply majestic. I appreciate the correct legs BTW. Also, while I don’t like the body, the kid Tricera is the only juvenile design that looks notably cute. (Also ironic how Jurassic world had a more accurate juvi tricera, even if barley)
This is mostly the same as the last one, but I think the new colors and rough texture make me prefer it.
While I’m not one for most 2000s Spinosaurus designs, the shades of green with orange stripes are gorgeous enough to (partially) overlook that.
I never really cared for this design, the new texture and recollection removed what I liked about it. Also, it’s really weird to watch 2000s Spino designs swim.
This design is BEAUTIFUL. Hands down one of, if not my favorite Spino design of all time and prolly favorite design of the show. The really long tail and body are lovely, the head is at its finest and I like the m sail shape. I’m unsure if I like it being quadruped or think it’s just fine. I do miss quad Spino for how unique and weirdly cool it was. Only negatives aesthetically would be the colors not being as vibrant as I’d like and the croc skin, but those aside, just fantastic.
This design is fine, great colors aside, don’t really care for it. Accurate Pterodactylus designs are much more interesting.
I can’t tell if this design is bad or I’m indifferent. It’s times like these that remind me why I prefer pycnofibered pterosaur designs, because this looks like a bald vulture. That and the colors are boring now. I do appreciate the updated skull I guess.
This design is decent, I do like how long it is, but not much to not beyond that. The color scheme is interesting, but I don’t know what to think of it.
This one is really pretty, while I wish it were longer and had more of the green on it. The rest does long boi justice. Also, this one of the few Diplodocus in pop culture with a face I like. Shame it and the Corytho redesign are barely in the movie.
My opinions on this one are essentially harsher versions of what I thought about the 1st Triceratops design. Not even the colors save it (yet), despite the frosty red plates looking cool.
While the color scheme is now perfected, the design itself I’m not fond of. Mainly because I prefer the shape of straight backed designs. That and the short neck is weird.
Eew, bad, I wanna leave.
Another big glow-up, I think one’s nice, although the colors throw me off a little.
I was so upset by this as a child and I still am. The Triassic has so many cool interesting creatures, dinosaur or not, and the only creature showcased are these stupid lizard things?! At least 65 has the excuse of the Createous being overplayed! (Even if 65 is much worse in general)
Updated notes: (updates in highlights)
I noticed the running speed pointed in the one of the episodes and reconsidered the alarm call thing
I prolly should have noted the legs on the baby Rex, and after giving it some thought, the skin looks inaccurate compared to paleo art and Prehistoric Planet. I also forgot about the Rex vs Giga episode pointing out T.rex smarts.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and goodbye
So one night I went crazy and randomly started skimming through the Dino Dan franchise (lovely shows from my childhood) for accuracies and inaccuracies and now I’m here to show all my notes as well as some additional opinions on the design in general. Why? Cuz why not and also I didn’t waste my time for nothing. Note, this is not just about design, but anything such as behavioral information or measurements given too. (No, I’m not covering supplementary material like the toys, dead flash website, mobile apps, books or anything else of that nature)
Positives = Accuracies
IDK = Can’t find or tell weather that’s accurate/possible or not
Negatives = Inaccuracies
(Creatures are listed in order in appearance BTW)
(Also, this in parts because this is WAY too much info for one post)
Pretty bad feathered raptor design. He has a terrible feather cut and naked arms that look pretty lame. The weird small head and big body don’t help much. You'll see that the color scheme itself isn’t that bad. Also, the original series sound effects are satisfying for me, IDK why.
This design looks better and kind of decent, though not my personal preference for feathered raptors. At least the feather crest is kinda cool. Also, the lack of primaries on the hands (which even in Dino Dana, the inclusion of primaries on the hand is avoided like the plague) will always confuse me from an aesthetic few. How are feathered designs “cooler” without the wings?
This is a fine Brachiosaurus design. Brachiosaurus is a dinosaur which in general doesn’t really have bad designs (say for the face of the JP3 one). This one doesn’t stand out too much, say for the back spines, which look cool.
Not a fan of the new face, but not that bad. I’m not that much of a fan of the shorter neck, and the inclusion of the additional spikes feels off.
The red white color combo is pretty cool, but the design itself feels off, mainly the stocky build of it. Not bad, but I don’t like it much either.
This design (say for the tail) is a perfect example of the Pachy designs I like. The slim proportions just do it for me. Also the color scheme is still mostly intact.
Not that big a fan of this design, mainly because of the face shape. That and the hands remind me why I prefer hoofed Hadrosaurid designs. The blue colors are kinda nice. It bothers me so much that even by the time of the movie (by which, literally every other original series creature was redesigned), Edmonto STILL had the same design it started with (oh, and Compy too, but it was mostly good design to start with).
I love the colors of the Corythosaurus, mainly the vivid orange. The design colors aside is whatever.
While I miss the original colors, the Corytho redesign is amazing, particularly the face shape. Also the best Hadrosaurid design in the series and one of the best herbivore design.
It’s strange they made the mere concept of “Yellow T.rex” look as cool as it is. Maybe that because it looks more like a golden brown with orange stripes. As I said, (say for the colors) this thing is just the Walking with Rex but if it looked appealing to an extent. While the proportions still bother me, I can’t help but think it’s a cool design. Maybe that’s just me fixating on the texture, looks appealing to rub hand against. (Also, feels weird that of all topics, the 1st show went with the low hanging fruit of “did T.rex lift its tail while walking?” for one episode).
This is definitely the most accurate T.Rex design I consider to be a favorite. Everything about this build just works for me in a way it never has before or since. I also really like how long it is. I also really like the hissy roar it has.
I will admit I am a little bit of a Feathered Rex apologist. When it and Quadruped Spino were revealed and shook the Paleo-Community, I remember accepting both with open arms and the feelings I had for them still stick around whenever I look at them. I do still prefer the series version, but the feathered T.Rex designs like this always looked cool to me (maybe because they remind me of Dromaeosaurid feather crests or lion manes). I also like the darker shades of color given around the body.
The juvenile design is cool, I like slim theropods like it, tho the coloration is far inferior to the adult. Also, it bothers me how it is designed in a completely different style than the grown up and baby and as such is feather-less.
Don’t ask why I called the Comy’s feathers “primitive fluff”, just felt right. Another decent design, I can’t really say much about, other than the feathers may be a bit too poofy. I also find it funny how this guy in the 1st series felt more like a wacky neighborhood menace character more than an animal (that’s just my interpretation).
I have never been fond of retro Quetzie interpretations like this, the Schleich toy, or WWD. The stork neck and pointed crest have always been cooler to me. That and the shrink wrapping is pretty bad here and the stance is almost always hunched-backed or upright on two legs. With that said, it does have the objectively best roar of every creature in the show and I’m sad it’s not used in the sequel series.
This is one of my favorite Quetzalcoatlus designs. I really like the long neck (which I prefer flexible BTW) and shape of the head. I also really like the vibrant colors of the face and wings. Although I’m bothered of the lack of Pycnofibers and the wings bending incorrectly
This design is fine, though I consider the colors to be a downgrade and the face shape and neck fall to just not be my preference. Personally I prefer the Dominion Quetzie.
This section is empty because this is the first part. Whenever I notice I missed something or I figure something in the “IDK” sections, I will update the notes and post them here at the bottom.
Anyways, that’s for reading, hope you enjoyed and goodbye.
This post is going to be in 3 parts. The Dino Dana and Florida Prehistory exhibits. T.REX review, and the toy I bought at the end! Sorry for blurry photos, camera sucks
Florida Prehistory and Dino Dana:
Shork head
Rex Head Jumpscare
The council
Not shown: Quetz and Stego wall things. They can’t be uploaded :(
Is this the horny mawf?
The baby
Show on the Greatest of All Tyrants
My thoughts:
Sinraptor exists?!?!!
Rex does seem a bit fatter then Hank
Trike also seems fat
Quetz is great! The hunt scene was nice
Juvi Rex hunt
Edmonts we’re great
Champsosarus mentioned
The dig scenes were good
Guanlong was. Something. Coloring opinion: no idea
Mosa carcass looked weird
Story time with the people was nice
Quetz VS Rex rematch, Quetz forfeits instantly
Comic Style Death Metal Band
Overall opinion on designs and creatures:
Tyrannosaurus: PP had better coloring and was less fat. The animated and comic segments were nice though! The coloring fit the juveniles though, which look a lot like PP’s
Triceratops: PP was better in every way in except for 2. 1. I liked the blue on the frill. 2. It fought Rex
Quetzalcoatlus: Gotta be honest, I think I like this one a bit more than PP’s, and that’s something
Champsosaurus: not Thoracosaurus so blecgh. Great otherwise
Anzu: Very great! I love the blue
Mosasaur: looked weird, but it might’ve bloated up
Edmontosaurus: Looks like the WWD one. Honestly best Edmontosaurus I’ve seen besides for the ones in Prehistoric Kingdom
Random bird, possibly Avisaurus: looked amazing!! I want one!
Guanlong: Mixed bag. I know it’s supposed to be like a cassowary or something, but the hands look weird and white spots looked kinda off
Sinraptor: Better then the one in Jurassic World Alive, that’s for sure
Death Metal Comic Gang: No colors, but nice to see Dynamoterror(finally learnt his species name!), Lythronax, Thanaotheristies, Nanuqsaurus, and Teratophoenus get some representation. Also Dynamoterror did a FREAKING LEAPING LAELAPS REFERENCE LETS FREAKING GOOOOOOOO
My toy:
Idiot captured. He’s this:
My brother also got some Dino Dana Dino eggs and got a Spino
Before this is over, I have one question. Does Rex Head Jumpscare top Stupendenemys Jumpscare?
I enjoyed Dino Dan when I was young. I remember it used to be on Nick Jr and I love the animation on the dinosaurs. I'm not sure who's better: Dan or Trex. I mean they're both good at dinosaurs but there is one question: If Dan and Trex see the dinosaurs, why don't the others see them as will? Probably they're some type of ghosts or possibly they're imaginations.
The OG post: https://dinosaurs-battle-world-championship.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000181010
@Nizaluddin : Hello there sapient crows again! We’re back with another battle royal!
@HerbivoreEnthusiastAlt : But before that, we have a special guest!
@DankTorvosaurus : Hi y’all! I’m DankTorvosaurus, but you can call me DankTorvo. Want to know a secret?
Nizal: Certainly, moderator candidate
Herbi: What is it?
DankTorvo: I didn’t interact with the DBWC wiki before last episode, since I didn’t want to be related with the Allosaurus battle royal. Torvosaurus is the best Jurassic period carnivore. Anyhow, do we get to our contestants?
Nizal: Our first contestant is Stegosaurus stenops, the type species and likely the most famous one.
Herbi: Last I checked, Stegosaurus ungulatus is larger.
DankTorvo: And let’s make sure we don’t forget Stegosaurus sulcatus!
Nizal: Sophie is the most famous specimen of this genus, and is pretty cool!
Herbi: JP Stegosaurus 1997 is the best JP Stego, and we have to thank her for this arena in Isla Sorna’s redwoods!
DankTorvo: JP Stegosaurus 2022 is up next and worse since they drag their tail
Nizal: Up next is DBWC Stegosaurus. Let’s hope they can get a W!
Herbi: Now is The Most Grotesque Animal, and i assume he’ll kill everyone by being ugly
DankTorvo: That’s a very weird interpretation for old stegosaurs, but not as weird as Vintage Bipedal Stegosaurus!
Nizal: Ahh, but you see, Flying Stegosaurus is even weirder. And yes, that is a real depiction.
Herbi: Morris is next, and a very cool dude. We hang out on Sundays and drink tea together
DankTorvo: Pre-TLC Stegosaurus is up next and very upset that he wasn’t credited as an actor in Stephen Fry’s Dinosaur
Nizal: Ark Stegosaurus is up next, and with a terrifying thagomizer, he can probably deal big damage
Herbi: Tek Stegosaurus is her cousin, and robotic
DankTorvo: Dino Dan Stegosaurus is one of the strongest fellows here. Having a fight with a Spinosaurus and WINNING.
Nizal: WWD Stegosaurus is a mass murderer, killing a young Diplodocus and scaring away an Allosaurus
Herbi: WDRA Stegosaurus is cool too, I guess. The fact sheet doesn’t have anything for them.
DankTorvo: Planet Dinosaur Stegosaurus saved a herd of Camptosaurus.
Nizal: Dinosaur King Stegosaurus has earth as her power, and can likely use it to her advantage
Herbi: Fantasia Stegosaurus is up next, giving us a window to the past of tail draggers.
DankTorvo: I’m A Dinosaur Stegosaurus is up next with the power of comedy on his side.
Nizal: Stogg is next and is cool, I guess. I don’t know much about MSM
Herbi: Plants VS Zombies Stegosaurus is up next, and ready to launch opponents away with his tail.
DankTorvo: I don’t know how we got another plant here, but Primal Potato Mine is up next.
Nizal: Jurassic World: The Game Level 40 Stegosaurus is up next, and man, that’s a VERY long name.
Herbi: Fossils And Archaeology Stegosaurus is up next and super cool! I adore him!
DankTorvo: Minecraft Bioluminescent Stegosaurus can glow in the dark!
Nizal: Jurassic Park Builder Level 40 Stegosaurus is another long name
Herbi: The Isle Stegosaurus is one from the most toxic dinosaur game. Ever, but it’s not poisonous like Magy!
DankTorvo: While he may be a garbage truck, we don’t think Garby is like that at all! Now, it’s time to fight!
JWTG Level 40 Stegosaurus charges at JPB Level 40 Stegosaurus, but is impaled on their thagomizer immediately.
Nizal: Wow, these herbivores are ruthless! First death already!
Herbi: That’s why I’m called HerbivoreEnthusiast
DankTorvo: I’m the memer, and I don’t find that funny
Nizal: Funni not detected
Sophie runs up one of the fallen trees and surveys her surroundings, to be immediately killed and impaled by Flying Stegosaurus
Garby searches the battlefield and eats JP Stegosaurus 2022 whole, as he needs to eat the garbage to fight
Vintage Bipedal Stegosaurus smacks Morris to the ground, but he disappears immediately. Vintage Bipedal Stegosaurus shrugs and hits the griddy
WDRA Stegosaurus charges at Dinosaur King Stegosaurus, but gets crushed by an earthquake.
DBWC Stegosaurus stabs Stegosaurus ungulatus to a tree, killing them, but getting stuck in the process.
WWD Stegosaurus challenges Stegosaurus sulcatus to a fight, but is quickly killed by the 5th element, the element of surprise.
Stogg tries to fight PvZ Stegosaurus, but steps on Primal Potato Mine, blowing them up as well as Stegosaurus sulcatus and Pre-TLC Stegosaurus.
Herbi: 12 deaths already!?!?!?!????!?!
Stegosaurus stenops heads to the middle and summons the King Titan to wreak havoc on the battlefield, and it summons 100 Corrupted Stegos.
Ark Stegosaurus slashes 7 of them into half as Dinosaur King Stegosaurus causes a piece of earth to hit the King Titan in the balls, instantly killing him, but causing him to fall and hit the ground before disappearing, making a huge earthquake shake the battlefield.
Morris reappears, having accidentally gone to the backrooms, but he is instantly killed by Most Grotesque Animal.
Dino Dan Stegosaurus slashes Minecraft Bioluminescent Stegosaurus across the face, but both are crushed by a falling redwood.
Fossils and Archaeology Stegosaurus runs from Flying Stegosaurus before being killed by Most Grotesque Animal. The two look at each other.
”Red sun”
The two stare at each other as Planet Dinosaur Stegosaurus drags a large, cardboard cut out of a sun that’s red.
“Red sun over paradise”
The duo continue looking at each other as JP Stegosaurus 1997 kills Planet Dinosaur Stegosaurus.
”Red sun”
They stare at each other as JP Stegosaurus 1997 gets some popcorn and shares it with DBWC Stegosaurus.
”Red sun over paradise”
Most Grotesque Animal charges at his opponent, wielding a shotgun. Flying Stegosaurus charges at his enemy, weilding a sword. The other Stegosaurus have started to sit next to each other and eat popcorn together.
“Golden rays of the glorious sunshine”
Flying Stegosaurus takes to the air and tries to stab his opponent, but Most Grotesque Animal parries him. Vintage Bipedal Stegosaurus holds some stage lights to provide the golden rays.
”Setting down such a blood red light”
Stegosaurus stenops stabs Vintage Bipedal Stegosaurus and rips out his organs, throwing them in front of the lights to provide the blood red light.
“Now the animals slowly retreat to the shadows”
Flying Stegosaurus grabs a portal gun and shoots it at Most Grotesque Animal’s feet, but they dodge and smack their opponent with a baseball bat on the head.
”Out of sight”
Dinosaur King Stegosaurus makes a little hut for everyone to huddle in and not be seen, but they still watch the fight.
”Arid winds blow across the mountains”
Dinosaur King Stegosaurus makes mountains appear under Flying Stegosaurus
”Giving flight to the birds of prey”
Flying Stegosaurus charges at his opponent with a sword and stabs him in the chest, but it breaks since Most Grotesque Animal used nanomachines, son!
”In the distance machines come to transform Eden, day by day”
Dinosaur King Stegosaurus throws Tek Stegosaurus and Garby outside, and they stare at each other as Flying Stegosaurus throws Most Grotesque Animal over their heads.
”Only love is with us now”
JP Stegosaurus 1997 brings a photo out of her baby, and DBWC Stegosaurus is so excited that he hugs her, accidentally slashing I’m a Dinosaur Stegosaurus in the process, killing them.
“Something warm and pure”
Most Grotesque Animal brings out a rain frog to show Flying Stegosaurus, who takes the frog and puts him on the ground before stabbing an obsidian knife into the throat of Most Grotesque Animal
”Find the peace within ourselves”
Flying Stegosaurus starts to master chi as Most Grotesque Animal plays League of Legends. Stegosaurus stenops and Ark Stegosaurus play go fish to pass the time.
”No need for a cure”
The Isle Stegosaurus gets some penicillin to cure their toxic game community, but they are shortly disemboweled by Fantasia Stegosaurus.
”When the wind is slow”
Ark Stegosaurus turns a fan off. Flying Stegosaurus grabs a shotgun, but is stabbed in the leg by Most Grotesque Animal.
”And the fire’s hot”
Dinosaur King Stegosaurus gets their phone out and calls Terry, who comes and breathes some fire before leaving. Most Grotesque Animal sends Flying Stegosaurus to deviantart, causing them to lose their eyes.
”The vulture waits to see what rots”
Tek Stegosaurus gets Vulture from the Spider-Man franchise. Flying Stegosaurus throws a Future Predator at Most Grotesque Animal.
”Oh how pretty, all the scenery”
Tek Stegosaurus shows Garby a picture of the Island. Most Grotesque Animal throes the Future Predator at Garby, killing him. Tek Stegosaurus cries.
”This is nature’s sacrifice”
DBWC Stegosaurus grabs Fantasia Stegosaurus and kills him in a sacrificial ritual. Most Grotesque Animal grabs the body and smacks Flying Stegosaurus with it.
”When the air blows through with a brisk attack”
Flying Stegosaurus grabs a shotgun and points it at the head of Most Grotesque Animal, but actually shoots his legs
”The reptile tail ripped from its back”
Flying Stegosaurus prepares to do a spin flip attack, but Most Grotesque Animal rips his tail off and slashes his stomach with it, knocking him to the ground.
“When the sun sets, we will not forget”
Most Grotesque Animal walks up to his fallen opponent and prepares his ultimate attack. The Biden Blast.
”The Red Sun Over Paradise!!”
Most Grotesque Animal is shot in the stomach by Ark Stegosaurus. He falls to the ground in pain and Flying Stegosaurus kills him with the unmatched power of the sun.
DankTorvo: T-that was a wild series of events.
Nizal: You said it bud.
Herbi: Such wacky and uncharacteristic things! It seems only 6 are left.
Flying Stegosaurus is killed by the remaining 93 Corrupted Stegos from the King Titan.
Ark Stegosaurus looks at Tek Stegosaurus and they prepare to fight, but JPB Level 40 Stegosaurus stabs Ark Stegosaurus from behind, killing him. Tek Stegosaurus blows the face off JPB Level 40 Stegosaurus, killing them also.
Stegosaurus stenops grabs a gun and starts shooting, killing 13 but noclips into the ground.
JP 1997 Stegosaurus and DBWC Stegosaurus work together as a team to kill 37 of them.
Dinosaur King Stegosaurus kills the rest, but is shot by Tek Stegosaurus.
DBWC Stegosaurus slices Tek Stegosaurus’s head off before looking at JP Stegosaurus 1997
DankTorvo: Final 2!!
DBWC Stegosaurus sits down and JP Stegosaurus 1997 sits down next to them and leans on them. They do not wish to fight anymore.
Nizal: For situations like these, we always have the button.
Herbi: What button?
DankTorvo: The bloodshed button.
Nizal: It turns anyone into a murder monster.
Herbi: But didn’t you see their character arc! They’re happy being in a relationship together!
DankTorvo: What
Nizal: He’s right. They did have a character arc together, and according to the rules, if you have a romantic character arc with someone, and both of you are the final 2, you must end the battle there.
Herbi: Y-yes. I totally was talking about that and I didn’t pull my excuse out of my goofy ahh.
DankTorvo: Well, congratulations to the winners! Suggest the next creature in the comments down below, and this will likely be posted to Dinopedia in the next hour. @Mimikyutube I am inside your walls by the way
Yes, you read the title. It’s about dinosaur television shows. For children. No, we’re not ranking them or whatever.
A little context for the question of the post:
So, for this post I want to ask a question. What would the best EDUCATIONAL show for children would be? I’m not talking about learning math or whatever, I’m talking about learning about prehistoric life. You can suggest YouTube videos also by the way.
Note the children I’m talking about here are my two special need brothers. The youngest is only 10 years old, but he’s only in Pre-K to Kindergarten level studies. My other brother can’t talk with words(he knows a bit of sign language), and he does watch a some Dino Dan and Dinosaur Train.
Now, onto the requirements for the shows:
They should not have a lot of gore(JFC for example)
They should be relatively accurate, with maybe a bit of stylization or inaccuracies every once in a while, hopefully due to outdatedness
Mating animals is a no go, unless they’re heavily censored such as in Prehistoric Planet
A good host to make the show entertaining would be something that this show should have, so this would be something like Nigel Marvin or Tiny
It would be very helpful if the show has designs that are at least 90% accurate in total. Prehistoric Planet is an example
A standard documentary would not really work, due to their shorter attention spans
If you do suggest a documentary, try to make sure there is a fair amount of action scenes sprinkled in throughout the episode(s) to capture their attention
A 20-30 minute episode would likely be the best time for a show, though shorter would be fine also
The show shouldn’t have that many dubious or invalid genera, except for Troodon because that’s in some of the best shows
Thanks for any help you guys may have, and by the way, this is NOT for sympathy points for me running for mod. This is an actual genuine question, and if this makes you want to vote me, then go for it, but I’m not forcing you to.
(Yes, I’m stealing this from the DBWC wiki. We’re gonna do mod election poll soon, so I don’t need to save my posts for propaganda)
@Nizaluddin : Hi there fellow sapient crows! I’m Nizaluddin, but you can call me Nizal, and I’ll be your announcer for today!
@HerbivoreEnthusiastAlt : And I’m HerbivoreEnthusiastAlt, but I think you can just call me Herbi, and we’re ready to show you the Tyrannosaurus BATTLE ROYAL!!
Nizal: Our contestants are Hank, the star of Prehistoric Planet. While not shown hunting often, he is a 10 tonne behemoth of ultimate destruction!
Herbi: I’m not so sure about “ultimate destruction” if he has to go up against the plot armor duo of Rexy 1993 and Rexy 2022. Stars of the Jurassic Park franchise, and amazing in their own right, they’re ready to kill.
Nizal: Our next contestant is Momma Dino from Ice Age 3. While not a mascot, she is ready to do anything to protect her children.
Herbi: Can we mention her relationship with Sid?
Nizal: Nope! Stumpy is out next. With a lost arm, he’s a veteran, but the intimidating skull pattern on his face may help him pick fights he wants.
Herbi: Buddy is out next, and while he’s the smartest, he has no fighting capabilities whatsoever. He’s gonna die.
Nizal: Brumal is coming out now. Being from Prehistoric Kingdom, he might die from just seeing all the inaccurate designs!
Herbi: Ark Tyrannosaurus is next, and he’s large, at a whopping 24 meters, we’re happy he’s not mutated for boss fights!
Nizal: Another JP classic, Buck is ready to *uck others up!
Herbi: Terry is up next. With his fire breath and mobility, he’s a challenging opponent to fight.
Nizal: Black T. rex takes the throne for firepower though. Fire Scorcher is a very powerful move. Everyone should be glad it takes a while to charge up.
Herbi: 1933 King Kong Tyrannosaurus, also known as Meat Eater is truly a sight to behold. Coming from the retro, tail dragging days, all the boomers in the crowd will love him
Nizal: Lego Rex is coming now. Yes, he is a master builder. I don’t know how he’ll fight though.
Herbi: Grumpy is next. Being from the Land of the Lost, I wonder how he found his way here!
Nizal: Dino Dana Tyrannosaurus is next. Nothing’s really special about her, besides for the fact she has children.
Herbi: Rexy from Night at the Museum is up next. I’m unsure how they’ll defeat him since we’re in an enclosed stadium.
Nizal: Tyrantrum is coming now. With his strong jaw, all biting moves are stronger than before!
Herbi: The next contestant is one we all don’t appreciate, Nanotyrannus! Sorry to all of his fans in the crowd, but he’s invalid.
Nizal: Jane was once thought to be a member of that genus, but she’s now a juvenile Tyrannosaurus.
Herbi: Sue is one old lady, but one amazing one. She was, and I think still is, the most complete skeleton of Tyrannosaurus.
Nizal: She might be the most complete, but Scotty is larger, making the largest Tyrannosaurus reach 11 tonnes just due to his weight estimates.
Herbi: Sharptooth is up next. Once thought to be a murderous killer, he’s now beloved by Rudi10002
Nizal: Up next is Walking With Dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus, who we’ll abbreviate later. She managed to survive for a day after an Ankylosaurus tail club, so she’s highly resilient.
Herbi: A longer name belongs to When Dinosaurs Roamed America Tyrannosaurus. I haven’t watched the show, so I don’t know what happens.
Nizal: Spider Rex, Spider Rex, can do whatever a spider can! He’s our newest contestant, only being in movies or TV in June of 2023.
Herbi: Valley of the T. rex Tyrannosaurus is up next, and he can’t fight, since he’s a scavenger. Like a dingus.
Nizal: We have a much smaller contestant with Fang. She is by far the BEST fighter in this squad, and with her own kids, she’ll fight to her end. Don’t even get me started on her losing her original kids, Red, and Spear, because then I’ll cry.
Herbi: One of the last contestants here is the oldest, being 1925 The Lost World Tyrannosaurus, who well just call 1925 Tyrannosaurus. They are nearly 100 years old at this point.
Nizal: We cannot forget our wonderful host, DBWC Tyrannosaurus for letting us battle in the Crystal Caverns.
Herbi: Last but not least is Gwangi. We don’t really know if he’s a Tyrannosaurus or Allosaurus, but he’s invited to both groups!
Nizal: With our contestants introduced, let’s start the battle!
As the cages are opened, Brumal steps outside to see everyone, before collapsing on the ground coughing in pain.
Nizal: I told you that he’d die from the bad designs
Buddy runs over to investigate and help Brumal.
A bit further away, Stumpy starts looking around, seeing who he should fight. Rexy NatM sees Stumpy, and thinking that he’s another skeleton, charges to talk. Stumpy sees this and runs away.
Black T. rex surveys the battlefield to find opponents, as Ark Tyrannosaurus bites his shins. Infuriated, Black T. rex knocks him away before chafing up Fire Scorcher. Momma Dino and Terry notice and try to help defeat Black T. rex before he fires off the attack.
Tyrantrum runs across the battlefield to attack Rexy 2022, but Rexy 1993 comes and bites Tyrantrum on the neck and throws him to the ground, killing him.
Herbi: First death! Wahooo! I reckon the plot armor duo will be working together.
Hank finds Scotty and Sue sitting in a corner, and he decides to sit with them.
Nanotyrannus finds Jane and bites her neck and starts to push her into the ground. Jane is not having any of this and tries to throw Nanotyrannus off the edge, but falls alongside her enemy. They die.
WWD Tyrannosaurus and WDRA Tyrannosaurus charge at DBWC Tyrannosaurus, but he jumps into the air and tail smacks both of them to the ground, before crushing their skulls.
Spider Rex grabs Lego Rex on a web and throws him at Grumpy, who then swallows Lego Rex whole, with the web still on. Spider Rex drags Grumpy near him, but Grumpy slams him into Dino Dana Tyrannosaurus before snapping his neck. Dino Dana Tyrannosaurus gets trapped under Spider Rex.
Nizal: Out of 30 contestants, 7 have already died
Buddy stands next to Brumal, making a hypothesis, as Gwangi comes from behind and decapitates Buddy, before hiding behind Brumal.
1925 Tyrannosaurus charges at Meat Eater, knocking him down to the ground and rips out his throat.
VotT Tyrannosaurus smells the dead body of Meat Eater and knocks 1925 Tyrannosaurus to the ground as he eats Meat Eater.
Brumal gets up, and starts running to Hank, Scotty, and Sue, but Rexy 1993 charges in front of him and knocks him to the ground. Sue gets up and charges at Rexy 1993, but Rexy 1993 dodges and throws Sue off the edge. Brumal gets up and escapes the commotion.
Sharptooth charges at Buck, but misses and has their throat crushed by Rexy 2022, who winks at Buck.
Herbi: A third of the contestants have died already. Shall we place our bets?
Nizal: I don’t know if we should do that at the moment. It looks like it’s anyone’s game. We’re still keeping the surprise for the final 2, right?
Herbi: Correct, unless it is the plot armor duo against the last other, and then we show it there also.
Black T. rex finishes charging up Fire Scorcher, but DBWC Tyrannosaurus jumps into the air, and makes him aim at the ceiling. The attack hits the ceiling, causing sunlight to flood the battle and debris to fall from above.
Rexy NatM starts dissolving due to the sunlight, much to Stumpy’s happiness.
1925 Tyrannosaurus and VotT Tyrannosaurus both get crushed by a giant falling crystal.
Fang jumps up on a falling crystal and kicks DBWC Tyrannosaurus to the ground as she bites Black T. rex on the nose.
Momma Dino, Sharptooth, and Terry all charge and knock Black T. rex down as Rexy 1993 stabs his eyes with a crystal, killing him.
Ark Tyrannosaurus bites Sharptooth and drags him along the floor and kills him.
Brumal reaches Hank and Scotty, and makes them run as a giant crystal falls, and it crushes Scotty.
Nizal: Well folks, this battle took an unexpected turn. We now have 16 dead combatants.
Gwangi comes out of his hiding spot with a cowboy hat and a big iron on his hip. Stumpy charges at Gwangi, but is shot right in the heart. Stumpy realizes he never should’ve challenged the Tyrannosaurus with a big iron on his hip.
Momma Dino bites Terry, but Terry uses Volcano Burst to burn the face of Momma Dino off, killing her.
DBWC Tyrannosaurus charges at Fang, but she dodges and knocks him into a crystal. DBWC Tyrannosaurus gets up and bares his teeth, but is shortly killed by Gwangi with a big iron on his hip.
Gwangi turns to Fang and prepares to shoot her, but Dino Dana Tyrannosaurus bites Gwangi and disembowels him.
Herbi: We are down to the last third, which contains 10 contestants!
Terry charges at Hank, but Brumal smacks him with a steel chair, incapacitating Terry so Ark Tyrannosaurus can crush his neck.
Brumal turns to Hank, but Rexy 1993 and Rexy 2022 rip off Brumal’s legs, leaving him to die.
Fang lunges at Rexy 1993, but misses and tries again. This time, Grumpy also lunges at Rexy 1993, who turns to look at him. Grumpy and Fang seem to phase through Rexy 1993, and they hit each other, dying in the process.
Buck tries to bite Hank, who dodges and retaliates by grabbing a mini gun and shooting Buck to death, before dropping the gun.
Nizal: Final 5! This is just like the time I was at Freddy’s for 5 nights.
Rexy 1993 and Rexy 2022 go behind Ark Tyrannosaurus’s legs, and start biting at him. Ark Tyrannosaurus tries to fight back, but can’t due to his horrible turning radius. He eventually falls and dies.
Dino Dana Tyrannosaurus bites Hank on the tail and tries to drag him off the edge, but Hank slams her into Rexy 1993, and she is shortly killed by Rexy 2022.
Herbi: It’s time
Nizal: Play it
Herbi: Ok
Music* floods the battlefield as Hank turns to face the plot armor duo. They do the same.
*(I will be putting lyrics in quotation marks, ok?)
”Standing here”
Hank charges at the duo, who flank to Hank’s side.
”I realize”
Hank turns and manages to bite Rexy 1993 on her face, and he drags her to the ground.
”You were just like me”
Rexy 2022 charges and bites Hank’s neck, but he throws her off.
”Trying to make history”
Hank charges at Rexy 2022, but Rexy 1993 bites his leg, throwing him off course.
“But who’s to judge”
Hank turns around and tail smacks Rexy 1993, knocking her into Rexy 2022
”The right from wrong”
Hank bites Rexy 2022 on the neck as Rexy 1993 struggles to get up.
”When our guard is down”
Hank bites harder. Rexy 1993 looks in terror
”I think we’ll both agree”
Rexy 2022 starts to lose the life from her eyes
”That violence breeds violence”
Rexy 2022 dies in Hank’s jaws. Rexy 1993 gets back up and turns to Hank, who is looking at Rexy 2022’s body, dead on the floor.
”It has to be this way”
Hank lifts his head up and stares at Rexy 1993
Nizal: The final 2!
Herbi: I can see all the Rexy 2022 fans in the stadium fighting and causing the security to come just because she lost. Sore losers
”I’ve carved my own path”
Hank and Rexy 1993 charge at each other
”You followed your wrath”
Both of them collide and exchange bites and body slams
”But maybe we’re both the same”
Hank bites Rexy 1993 on the neck and rolls over, bringing her with him
”The world has turned”
Rexy 1993 frees herself and bites Hank’s skull, and drags him
”And so many have burned”
Hank gets up and pushes Rexy 1993 off of him and away
”But nobody is to blame”
The two stare at each other for a moment
“Yet starting across this barren wasted land”
They charge at each other. Hank bites Rexy 1993’s neck in a firm hold and starts to crush it
”I feel new life will be born”
Rexy 1993 loses the life in her eyes
”Beneath the blood stained saaaaaand”
Hank finishes killing her and drops her to the ground.
”Beneath the blood stained SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!”
Hank looks at the corpses that riddle the battlefield and sits.
Nizal: Well folks, we have our winner after an emotional scene. Good job to Hank and everyone else!
Herbi: Tune in next time to whatever animal is suggested first in the comments down below!
By the way, on the original post, Allosaurus was suggested first, so it’ll be next. I will be doing these every once in a while, but I’ll always do them on the DBWC wiki first if I remember.
So, I saw one video of reviewing Nick Jr. videos and one of those is Dino Dan of which I remembered way back in the day and then I thought does anyone like the colors of the creatures in that show? I love the Corythosaurus color because for some reason it reminds me of the clownfish and I love the Compy also due to how floofy it is of which I have made one myself on Scratch.
Though it isn't in the colors of the Dino Dan one
35 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
49 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll