Tyrannosaurus mcraeensis (Subadult, Female)
Triceratops horridus (Male)
Dilophosaurus wetherilli (Male)
Ceratosaurus nasicornis (Female)
Tyrannosaurus mcraeensis (Subadult, Female)
Triceratops horridus (Male)
Dilophosaurus wetherilli (Male)
Ceratosaurus nasicornis (Female)
19 Votes in Poll
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27 Votes in Poll
The drawings are for a little something i'm working on. no questions
Sorry there's wasn't an episode yesterday, to make up for it we have TWO species today, please specify which species you're giving the names to, otherwise I'll just them for the species I feel like, also remember, the ones I like the lost will be picked
Firstly, we have 2 Albertosaurus
Secondly, we have 3 Dilophosaurus
I didn't go to school today so I finished this early, here's what the park looks like right now
The first enclosure is for 1 Ankylosaurus
The last herbivore enclosure includes 4 Stegosaurus, 2 Kentrosaurus, and 2 Ouranosaurus
I built an Allosaurus enclosure next to the Ceratosaurus enclosure, and added 3 Allosaurus
And finally, I built a Dilophosaurus enclosure with 3 Dilophosaurus
That's it for today, now we only have 3 species from JPOG remaining, Spinosaurus, Velociraptor, and Tyrannosaurus, the next part comes out when I build those and decorate the park a little
“What do you think you’re doing?” Stated the seaman as he stared at the fellow going on his boat. The pterosaur was peach colored with a harpoon-colored beak. The crest on top of his head seemed to be ripped in two, with the spine being black and the remaining part of the once flamboyant crest being a seafoam blue. He cocked his head at the seaman, turning to face the dromaeosaur.
“Goin’ after the beast that did this to me,” he started. “Tylos Dick. That leviathan shall be slaughtered. By me!” He chuckled a bit as the dromaeosaur got another good look at him. One wing was there, but the other was halfway gone. Most of the wing membrane was gone and everything past the claws was made of ivory.
“Why do you want to go back after him? After all, he did… that to you.”
“Because I want revenge. And he’s the only beastie I haven’t slain yet. A stain on my record. Once I kill him, the seas will be able to be transversed by all, thanks to me. Captain Geo!”
The dromaeosaur sighed as he stared back as he stared at Captain Geo. “Will you bring more people?” he asked, wondering how long this’d take. The pterosaur nodded. The dromaeosaur sighed again, turning to leave before a bag was thrown to his feet. Looking inside via his sickle claw, he noticed some gold coins. Moving his head back into the direction of Captain Geo, the pterosaur chuckled.
“I’d assume you know this ship better than anyone else. Come with me and the crew matey,” he stated, smirking while chuckling again and extending his ivory wing. The seaman smiled, extending his arm to shake the pterosaur’s wing, chuckling himself.
“Name’s Tolis. Nice to join your crew”.
—- —- —-
The crew moved forth, and after a week they reached the edge of Tylos Dick’s domain, deep in the center of the oceans at the Primordial Abyss.
“Here we are men,” started Captain Geo, looking over the bow of the ship. “This is the home of that albino leviathan”. Turning around to face the crew once more, he abruptly stopped and stared back out over the bow. Thunder had rolled in and the waves were slowing down.
Suddenly, from in front of the boat, a beast breached the surface, bellowing his rule. An albino mosasaur, seemingly a hundred times larger than the vessel, covered in battle scars and chunks taken out of his dorsal fin and fluke, splashed back down into the water before turning to face the bow head on. Tylos Dick had arrived.
Staring at his enemy, Captain Geo screamed.
(Play: Blood & Thunder by Mastodon. 2:12 in, or here:)
Running back to the crew, Captain Geo ran towards them, grabbing a harpoon. “BREAK YOUR BACKS AND CRACK YOUR OARS, MEN!” While the crew started doing so, they noticed the pterosaur turning back to Tylos Dick with the harpoon. “THIS IVORY WING IS WHAT PROPELS ME!” The captain started a full gallop, reaching the bow with the harpoon in his hands. “Aim directly for his crooked brow,” he instructed them whilst running, and when he reached the bow, he jumped. “AND LOOK HIM STRAIGHT IN THE EYE!”
Tylos Dick, who had turned to get a better look started to not look as his eye was stabbed. Roaring in pain, Tylos Dick breached out off the water once more as Captain Geo lost the harpoon’s landing in the leviathan’s eye, before stabbing it by his tooth.
Tolis, still on the ship, started gathering the crew to get ready to shoot, but the mosasaur went beneath the waves… with the captain. The crew started panicking, with one member even getting onto the crude wooden escape raft before the rage of the waves brought him to a watery grave, though it returned Captain Geo and a tooth of Tylos Dick to the raft.
The crew started to cheer, but then they stopped, as Tylos Dick came from below, snapping the ship in two and sinking both halves, before resurfacing and turning to face Captain Geo. The captain snarled as something chuckled. Looking around in confusion, Geo realized the sound was coming from Tylos Dick himself, who did so whilst feeling the space where his tooth once was.
(Make sure Blood & Thunder has ended by now)
“Well, well, well,” started the Leviathan. “You dare stand against me? How brave,”
“Go to hell!” screamed Captain Geo, staring at him. “You are a devil! A beast that should not stand against me!”
“Well, technically I’m swimming,” stated Tylos Dick, still looking at Captain Geo, though starting to circle around the raft. “You cannot kill me with puny tools like harpoons. I am a Primordial. A ruler. I am the king of the oceans!”
“So?” asked Geo, not really caring about that lore drop. “I will try with all the power at my disposal, you demon! If you wish to taunt me, then kill me already!”
Tylos Dick chuckled. “Sure then,” he started. “Just prepare for pain”. The mosasaur turned away and went some distance before being directly in front of the raft, his red eyes gleaming and lightning showcasing the nearly hundred-meter distance between them.
Tylos Dick charged, breaching out of the water and opened his mouth, roaring, ready to devour. Captain Geo roared as well, but held out the tooth and aimed it at his rival. Lightning flashed.
A sound of thunder. Or perhaps not. They were both gone.
—- —- —-
“...And that is the tale of Tylos Dick, based on what we can figure out from this inscription,” stated Athena, pointing at some text on a massive tooth in a glass case. A Dimetrodon stared at it in awe, before turning to the Dilophosaurus who explained it. “Is that really the case?” he asked, wondering about this legend. Athena shrugged. “We’re highly unsure about this, Snowball. It’s based on just two lines of dialogue, and even then, we have no idea how this inscription came to be. Captain Geo, if he existed, wouldn’t have been able to write this, even if he won.”
Snowball stared back at the tooth. “I wonder how he’d think about the story today,” looking back at Athena, he smiled. “Well, Tylos Dick is gone, or at least in hiding, so we’re able to explore the world now, not having to worry about him”. Athena chuckled then gestured for Snowball to follow as they continued forth on their tour of the museum.
It is done!
Well, what do you guys think? Do you all find Tylos Dick to be cool? Should I continue the universe thing? What story should I parody next, and if I do, got suggestions? Should Animal Farm or Dante's Inferno be next? Would you smash? Would you put this in a book fair? Would you read this to a child? Should I make art for this stuff?
Remember to subscribe and like the video! See y'all in the next one(if I make more story parodies)
I addid the filters (top one) so that it would look a little warmer but I just couldn’t get what I was hoping for
Idk just dilophosaurus eye
Still working on this thing so that's why it looks simple rn
Utahraptor assumes the cedarosaurus herd were feeling grief. Utahraptor ignores and moves forward in life.
In the forest, Evil pterosaur tries to fly again despite his injury on the "wing" only to fall onto a pile of leaves, the mist tried climbing instead, using his "claws"
The trees are where Evil pterosaur can finally take a break from all that fighting, he perched on a tree branch and rest. only to hear chirping sounds coming from a nearby anurognathus interrupting him. Evil pterosaur then glides to a tree and makes a nest where he could call home and chill.
Later in the morning, things started to become strangely calm for a while which is what Evil pterosaur noticed (but not for long hehehe...) while going around the forest and picked up several fallen leaves for his temporary home. while doing so, Evil pterosaur wonders what ino was doing now. Evil pterosaur goes back to drop some leaves on his home for even a little comfort. before he can sleep, Evil pterosaur becomes distressed over things, and wonders where inostrancevia is and what he's doing now. sometime later, Evil pterosaur jumps off a tree then glides through the forest. on the other side of the forest, a young adult dilophosaurus chases a scelidosaurus. she bites onto it, then slams it onto the ground, dilophosaurus had concerns about things like a dark mist passing by. later, dilophosaurus goes to drink some water in the same narrow river Evil pterosaur and Pyroraptor were in river beds
To Be Continued...
28 Votes in Poll
Most of you use dark mode so it might be hard to see the quills just so you know
29 Votes in Poll
As the title says, this is a post in celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the fucking dead guy, 200 years is simultaneously really old and really young at the same time. The fact that some countries are younger than Dinosaurs as a concept is funny to me, but at the same time, they are so engraved in pop culture it’s crazy to think that they are so recent in the grand scheme of paleontology. They are incredible and fascinating creatures, and I love and appreciate all dinosaur species
Ok but seriously here’s the whole list or smthin idk
10-Utahraptor ostrommaysorum
Honestly it’s not exactly a surprise why someone would like this thing so much, it’s a Grizzly Bear sized dromaeosaur, it’s hard to get cooler than that. It’s a giant apex predator that could run fast, jump high and grapple large prey down while also having an insanely strong bite for its size. It’s such an interesting species that evolved into a niche usually associated with big Tyrannosaurs and Carcharodontosaurids.
9-Maip macrothorax
It’s kinda the same appeal as Utahraptor, big fucking claws are cool, what more can I rlly say. It’s also a giant predator (≈3 Tons) and it could wrestle down giant sauropods, and the more we learn about megaraptorans the better since they are an awesome clade.
8-Lythronax argestes
That name is actually so fucking peak oh my goddddddd. Gore king is objectively fucking awesome, and it’s a Tyrannosaur, Tyrannosaurs are neat. It’s also a huge part of Tyrannosaur evolution and again that fucking nameeeeeeeeee.
7-Daspletosaurus sp. (All 3 are peak)
Idk why I like Daspletosaurus that much, I just do. It’s a really interesting species that doesn’t need much of an explanation for why it is cool, it just is.
6-Tarbosaurus bataar
Again, like Das it’s just cool cuz it’s cool. That’s what I would say, but Tarbosaurus has so many interesting things about it itself, that makes it more than just a big T-Rex. For starters it is seemingly an ankylosaur hunter rather than a hadrosaur hunter and it had a locking jaw. It’s such a cool and interesting dinosaur.
5-Suchomimus tenerensis
This is the closest we will get to OG Spino, back in 2022 it would probably be my number 1 favorite, but I’ve slowly lost interest in it. However, it is still a really fucking awesome animal that I will always love.
4-Dilophosaurus wetherilli
Holy shit it is so fucking awesome oh my fucking god dkmwjenensjwjsjssj. First real dinosaur apex predator, it’s the size of a fucking Polar bear, it has a huge and powerful head and cool crests it’s really hard not to love this thing.
3-Giganotosaurus carolinii
Another basic awesome animal, it is one of the largest terrestrial predators of all time, it mogs any other dinosaur and even though its fragmentary (Shut up Lambo) I still find it really awesome.
2-Tyrannosaurus rex
“Oh but T. Rex is overhyped and overra-“
Idk guys, I think the most famous, largest carnivorous, most intelligent and one of the best studied dinosaurs OF ALL TIME is gonna be popular. It is fucking badass I don’t care what you say, if you genuinely do not have T. Rex in your top 15 you are actually trying to be different so badly. It is an awesome animal and I will stand by that opinion till I die.
1-Spinosaurus aegytiacus
And while it is generic, I fucking love Spinosaurus. It is such a weird and interesting animal with a million different features unique to it. While I miss and personally prefer the 2000s Spinosaurus I will not lie and act like the modern Spinosaurus isn’t my favorite dinosaur of all time. It is weird, awesome, huge and interesting and quite literally an amalgamation of why I love Dinosaurs so much.
And happy 200 year anniversary to Dinosaurs, again.
Anwyas gobye
24 Votes in Poll