Given Name: Darshi
Species: Daspletosaurus Stromi (Meaning: Strom's Frightful Lizard)
Age: 18
Height: 17 Feet Tall
Length: 37 Feet Long
Weight: 4 Tons
Dr. Krate Strom (Rider)
April Aragon
Koba Matthews
Tobias Kaiwhe
Albertosaurus Frigirealis "Frost" (Adopted Brother)
Majungasaurus Acuticalvaria "Makashin" (Friend)
Megacerops Firmuvertex "Gard" (Friend)
Albertosaurus Frigirealis "Hangjaw" (Brief Rival)
Darshi is the bulkiest Tyrannosaurid on Sauria next to Tyrannosaurus Adoni itself. She has a long head with two crests on each brow. She has small spikes on her neck. She has leaf like stripes on her body, tail, and legs. She has the longest arms of any Tyrannosaurid. And she has a long tail for balance.
Her main color is a darkened red. her stripes are black. Her mouth is a lighter shade of red. Her eyes color is silver. Her underbelly is cream. And her claws and spikes are grey.
Darshi is the complete opposite of what her species name translates to. Unlike Tyrannosaurus and Albertosaurus, her kind is a lot more docile and curious than both. Though they are still hunters, they don't attack unless they're hungry and she's also very opportunistic especially if there's already a dead corpse, she'll just eat it since it's easier than hunting one down.
When she first met Dr. Strom, she wasn't sure what to think of him. Was he prey or something else? She has never seen a human before since she used to live in the outer parts of the island so she had no idea what Strom was and decided to observe him instead of attacking him.
These two bonded arguably faster than April and Quake did. Since Darshi is not overly aggressive, she was easy to tame but she still had a predatory diet so Strom had to do his best in order to find her something to feed on.
In terms of how she acts towards other dinosaurs. She likes socializing with carnivores and usually avoids herbivores like Pentaceratops but she does tolerate Gard since he doesn't see her as an enemy. She grew a very strong bond with Frost since he was a similarly sized Tyrannosaurid and because of their similarities, their relationship evolved into something more than just them being neighbors.
Eventually, they started treating each other as siblings. Though they were only related because both of them were Tyrannosaurids, it didn't matter to Darshi because she liked being around other dinosaurs that were similar to her.
But when she tried to socialize with Solaire the Tyrannosaurus, he usually ignores her. Most of his time is devoted to raising his only child so it's rare to see him interacting with any other dinosaur other than his son.
Since Frost hates Hangjaw, it's only natural that his adopted sister also hates him. In an attempt to finish their rivalry, Hangjaw challenged Frost to a battle. Frost's other friends tried to help but he roared at them, signaling he wanted to finish this himself.
The battle went in Frost's favor most of the time but once Hangjaw started to tire him out, his nemesis now had the advantage.
Frost would've been killed if it wasn't for Darshi butting in and pulling Hangjaw away from an injured Frost. Though he was a little angry that someone interrupted his duel, in some way he still appreciated that Darshi saved him so he fought Hangjaw alongside her.
• This character is the one that got the most changes, here's the list of dinosaurs that were considered but were cut in favor of Daspletosaurus:
Tarbosaurus, Zhuchengtyrannus, Yutyrannus, Nanuqsaurus, Gorgosaurus, and Lythronax.
• Originally her name was supposed to be "Darcy" but I changed it since it's a pretty common name. I instead picked a name that sounded similar but was distinct enough.
• Her rider's last name is a reference to Ernst Stromer, the man who discovered Spinosaurus. But it was shortened to Strom instead.
• At one point, Darshi was supposed to have a pack but I thought it would be interesting if she started out as a loner like how Frost was kicked out of his pack.
• Her design is supposed to bridge the gap between Albertosaurus Frigirealis and Tyrannosaurus Adoni. She has the smaller size of Albertosaurus Frigirealis with the spiky crests of Tyrannosaurus Adoni.
• There was an idea I cut that would've made her a complete scavenger who was very friendly towards everyone. But since she's a predator that's obviously built for speed, it's best if I don't make her completely peaceful. She still has a more violent side to her.
• Her original color scheme was going to be purple. As a reference to Dinosaur King's Daspletosaurus.
• She was supposed to be a male named "Platia" if that name sounds familiar, me and a few other users made a story back then called "Teeth and Claws" in that story, the character I used was a Daspletosaurus named Platia. But I wanted to be more original so I made a completely separate character.
What do you think?