Based off of red bellied goose
30 Votes in Poll
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20 Votes in Poll
Today we got 4 Corythosaurus, the ones I like the most are picked
I said I'd build 2 more enclosures but I accidentally built 4 instead, anyways, I added a new enclosure near the entrance of the park
This enclosure includes 3 Dryosaurus and 6 Gallimimus
The I added another enclosure,I had a big empty space near the beginning so I added an enclosure to save space
This one includes 7 Homalocephale and 3 Pachycephalosaurus
I've built a Hadrosaurid enclosure next to the Ceratopsian enclosure which includes Corythosaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Edmontosaurus (4 of each)
And finally, I've built a Ceratosaurus enclosure next to the Albertosaurus enclosure with 3 Ceratosaurus
That's it for today, by the next part, I'll be finishing off the herbivore enclosures with an Ankylosaurus, and a Stegosaurid enclosure with Stegosaurus, Kentrosaurus, and Ouranosaurus(I didn't know where else to place it, and I didn't want to add 4 more animals to the Hadrosaurid enclosure so it's going here) and I'll also be building a Dilophosaurus enclosure and an Allosaurus enclosure, anyways, goodbye
So one night I went crazy and randomly started skimming through the Dino Dan franchise (lovely shows from my childhood) for accuracies and inaccuracies and now I’m here to show all my notes as well as some additional opinions on the design in general. Why? Cuz why not and also I didn’t waste my time for nothing. Note, this is not just about design, but anything such as behavioral information or measurements given too. (No, I’m not covering supplementary material like the toys, dead flash website, mobile apps, books or anything else of that nature)
Positives = Accuracies
IDK = Can’t find or tell weather that’s accurate/possible or not
Negatives = Inaccuracies
(Creatures are listed in order in appearance BTW)
(Also, this in parts because this is WAY too much info for one post)
Pretty bad feathered raptor design. He has a terrible feather cut and naked arms that look pretty lame. The weird small head and big body don’t help much. You'll see that the color scheme itself isn’t that bad. Also, the original series sound effects are satisfying for me, IDK why.
This design looks better and kind of decent, though not my personal preference for feathered raptors. At least the feather crest is kinda cool. Also, the lack of primaries on the hands (which even in Dino Dana, the inclusion of primaries on the hand is avoided like the plague) will always confuse me from an aesthetic few. How are feathered designs “cooler” without the wings?
This is a fine Brachiosaurus design. Brachiosaurus is a dinosaur which in general doesn’t really have bad designs (say for the face of the JP3 one). This one doesn’t stand out too much, say for the back spines, which look cool.
Not a fan of the new face, but not that bad. I’m not that much of a fan of the shorter neck, and the inclusion of the additional spikes feels off.
The red white color combo is pretty cool, but the design itself feels off, mainly the stocky build of it. Not bad, but I don’t like it much either.
This design (say for the tail) is a perfect example of the Pachy designs I like. The slim proportions just do it for me. Also the color scheme is still mostly intact.
Not that big a fan of this design, mainly because of the face shape. That and the hands remind me why I prefer hoofed Hadrosaurid designs. The blue colors are kinda nice. It bothers me so much that even by the time of the movie (by which, literally every other original series creature was redesigned), Edmonto STILL had the same design it started with (oh, and Compy too, but it was mostly good design to start with).
I love the colors of the Corythosaurus, mainly the vivid orange. The design colors aside is whatever.
While I miss the original colors, the Corytho redesign is amazing, particularly the face shape. Also the best Hadrosaurid design in the series and one of the best herbivore design.
It’s strange they made the mere concept of “Yellow T.rex” look as cool as it is. Maybe that because it looks more like a golden brown with orange stripes. As I said, (say for the colors) this thing is just the Walking with Rex but if it looked appealing to an extent. While the proportions still bother me, I can’t help but think it’s a cool design. Maybe that’s just me fixating on the texture, looks appealing to rub hand against. (Also, feels weird that of all topics, the 1st show went with the low hanging fruit of “did T.rex lift its tail while walking?” for one episode).
This is definitely the most accurate T.Rex design I consider to be a favorite. Everything about this build just works for me in a way it never has before or since. I also really like how long it is. I also really like the hissy roar it has.
I will admit I am a little bit of a Feathered Rex apologist. When it and Quadruped Spino were revealed and shook the Paleo-Community, I remember accepting both with open arms and the feelings I had for them still stick around whenever I look at them. I do still prefer the series version, but the feathered T.Rex designs like this always looked cool to me (maybe because they remind me of Dromaeosaurid feather crests or lion manes). I also like the darker shades of color given around the body.
The juvenile design is cool, I like slim theropods like it, tho the coloration is far inferior to the adult. Also, it bothers me how it is designed in a completely different style than the grown up and baby and as such is feather-less.
Don’t ask why I called the Comy’s feathers “primitive fluff”, just felt right. Another decent design, I can’t really say much about, other than the feathers may be a bit too poofy. I also find it funny how this guy in the 1st series felt more like a wacky neighborhood menace character more than an animal (that’s just my interpretation).
I have never been fond of retro Quetzie interpretations like this, the Schleich toy, or WWD. The stork neck and pointed crest have always been cooler to me. That and the shrink wrapping is pretty bad here and the stance is almost always hunched-backed or upright on two legs. With that said, it does have the objectively best roar of every creature in the show and I’m sad it’s not used in the sequel series.
This is one of my favorite Quetzalcoatlus designs. I really like the long neck (which I prefer flexible BTW) and shape of the head. I also really like the vibrant colors of the face and wings. Although I’m bothered of the lack of Pycnofibers and the wings bending incorrectly
This design is fine, though I consider the colors to be a downgrade and the face shape and neck fall to just not be my preference. Personally I prefer the Dominion Quetzie.
This section is empty because this is the first part. Whenever I notice I missed something or I figure something in the “IDK” sections, I will update the notes and post them here at the bottom.
Anyways, that’s for reading, hope you enjoyed and goodbye.
^The fire-breathing Parasaurolophus theory has nothing to do with this.
As we all know, hippopotamuses and elephants kill more people than lions on average every year, with cape buffalo and rhinoceros being close contenders. So yeah, herbivores aren't gentle at all. Skipping cliche ceratopses and ankylosaurids, how much of a threat would you imagine hadrosaurs in a movie and how would they kill people aside from just trampling them?
Inspired by the prince creek rp
Rules 1. No mating (implication is accepted but still weird)
2. Dont be unrealistic
Dinopedia has had its highs and lows,2021 was amazing,early 2022 was shit,mid 2022 was ok and idk about late 2022.
After the (redacted) incident Dinopedia has been great,so many nice people and so many cool posts.
Back when I first joined in 2021(Nearly two years ago holy SHIT) I was disappointed with the lack of users,especially compared to Wings of Fire Wiki,but now I appreciate it because I made so many close “friendships” here.
I like every user here but here are the 5 people I like the most.
@Friendly Kelbeam of the Hood you are the funniest user here.You always make me laugh and your a great mod.
@Nizaluddin your the nicest person here,you are super calm and mature for a teenager.You deserved mod a long time ago and you definitely deserve it.
@Concaventor Wrangler ironic how I used to hate you but now,your cool,I know that the reason you were so shit back then was because of your shitty mental state and I’m really glad that you feel better.
@Ganimes you are also a really nice guy and also extremely mature.You are a good guy and and I’m really glad that your back.
@Deltadromeus445-2 I used to hate you too,but I’m really glad that you’ve changed,you really went from an annoying bitch to an amazing guy.
Obviously there are so many people that are amazing in this community like Hobo,Mimikyutube ect ect but I really do appreciate this community as a whole.
Also @Scotalt @A Ducc I guess how has touching grass been?
Some may call it sappy,and I know that a certain someone will see this and start making fun of it with his miserable friends but,I honestly don’t care.I appreciate Dinopedia as a whole and I’m glad to be in this community.
Thank you for the past two years everyone
Should have posted this on my two year anniversary but who the fuck cares.
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(Dinosaur models based off those from dinosaur arcade)
24 Votes in Poll
Another episode, let's get right in
Story #1 written by @Bajadasaurus234 :
Spinosaurus: Ducks are better than rabbits.
Euoplocephalus: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks.
Corythosaurus: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey.
Euoplocephalus: We’re not talking about flavour, Corythosaurus!
Corythosaurus: Flavour counts!
Euoplocephalus: Who carries around a duck’s foot for good luck? Anyone?
Diplodocus: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I’ll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who’s cozier?
Euoplocephalus: Okay, but-
Diplodocus: NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO’S COZIER?
Corythosaurus: Then why don’t we take a rabbit, a duck, stick ‘em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out!
Spinosaurus: I- Jesus-
Story #2 suggested by @Rexyisdebest :
Euoplocephalus: Uh, that was a long day, good thing I could finally relax while playing JWE2 in Jurassic Difficulty Challenge Mode! *Blows up*
Corythosaurus: That's what you get for being an Ankylosaurid, Nodosaurids are so much better!
Diplodocus: I disagree
Corythosaurus: You wanna fight!
Spinosaurus walks in with his true form
Spinosaurus: What's wrong?
They both die
Story #3 suggested by @TotallynotaHellionWarden :
Euoplocephalus: WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!
Diplodocus: It's a KitKat, you want some?
Diplodocus: Meh
Euplocephalus: *Starts crying*
Loads gun
Spinosaurus: You better fix that KitKat and eat it properly!
Corythosaurus: Yes! Yes! I will!
Story #4 suggested by @Mimikyutube :
Corythosaurus: Dude, you're so drunk
Spinosaurus: No I'm no...AmOgUs!!!1!!11!
Corythosaurus: You can't even speak properly
Diplodocus: Hey! I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!
Corythosaurus: Challenge accepted!
Diplodocus: Benelli! I choose you!
Corythosaurus: What the heck is Bene-
Diplodocus: Benelli use shoot on Corythosaurus!
It was super effective! The opposing Corythosaurus "Fainted"!
Spinosaurus: I'll.... help you.... Sussy baka! *Passes out*
Euoplocephalus: I'll have to handle this
Euoplocephalus breaks Diplodocus's skull and walks away like a Gigachad
Story #5 suggested by @I lovenarwhals274 :
Euoplocephalus: Time to got o Europe!
1 trip to Europe later
Euoplocephalus: Tis a silly place, never going there again
That last one is the shortest in the whole series, now to my story
Corythosaurus: So, what do you think is inside the egg
Euoplocephalus: IDK, maybe a Stegosaurus
Spinosaurus: No, it's not that, Tyrannosaurus said it was some kind of Tyrannosaurid
Diplodocus: Nanuqsaurus?
Spinosaurus: Anyones guess at this point, maybe it's Gorgosaurus, or a, Albertosaurus perhaps?
And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Zangoose comes back to life, kills Tyrannosaurus, and then travels to Ula'Ula Island to kill Nanu and his Sableye, Krookodile, Honchkrow, Absol, and Alolan Persian/Spinosaurus and Zangoose kill every Johto gym leader and prepare to fight Lance and the elite four/The dinotime sarcosuchus is tanked by zangoose
Requested by @Mimikyutube @Rexyisdebest and @Anatotitan
Archeops and Pteranodon have an epic anime clash in the air
Requested by @Megalania Enthusiast
Haxorus is with Count Dooku from Star Wars and both of them notice an Acrocanthosaurus and the trio would walk in a bar where they would quickly get into a bar fight with Slowbro and Emperor Palpatine over absolutely nothing because all of them have nothing to do other than get into a bar fight over absolutely nothing whatsoever, but it is what it is I guess.
Requested by @Skorpiovenator bustingorry
Team Skull Grunts and Lusamine with her Omeisaurus skin break the bones of Tarbosaurus and Repenomamus
Galarian Rapidash sticks its horn in Corythosaurus' ***hole
Trevenant gets killed by Gigantopithecus
Chris Pratt torments an Elasmosaurus
Archaeopteryx kills Chikorita
Alamosaurus crushes a Pidgey
Olorotitan fails at Wii Play's Shooting Range