Dinosaurs have evolved over the last 20 million years,their main competition goes extinct in the devistating Triassic-Jurassic Extinction.The Dinosaurs survived however,and they quickly rose to top predators,but they couldn’t take over the water,however there is a new group that will take over,the Pilosaurs,the Sea Terrors
We see this thing flying
Dimorphodon Macronyx is the resident Arial superstar,it’s not very fast due to its robust head,but it can turn on a dime.
We see this boi hunt it
This is a relative of Camposaurus,it even keeps the crest,at 200 kilos and 4 Meteres Sarcosaurus is the apex predator on this rocky coastland.
We see the Sarcosaurus swiftly dodge and weave in the rocks of the Jurassic Coast before jumping,and falling
Even this predator isn’t successful all the time.
Then a bigger Sarcosaurus comes back with a Dimorphodon in her jaws
This is her mother,her mentor,she’s an adult,he’s only about 7 Months old,he will leave his mom in about 2 Years.
They eat before we go into the water,we see this terrifying predator in front of us
This is Rhomaleosaurus,a 10 Metere,10 Ton,terrifying titan
(Alliteration lol)
He sees an Attenborosaurus
This is a close relative of Rhomaleosaurus,it was only about 2 Tons and 5 Meteres,but it’s a fast animal.
The Rhomaleosaurus chases as epic pog chase music plays,the Attenborosaurus notices it and runs.
The Rhomaleosaurus goes above the reef Attenborosaurus runs through,scaring generic feesh,Rhomaleosaurus then dives down,gaining momentum.
Rhomaleosaurus will ram Attenborosaurus,stun it and kill it.
Then a Temnodontosaurus goes from underneath and snaps the Attenborosaurus’s neck.
At nearly 15 Tons,Temnodontosaurus was far larger than Rhomaleosaurus.
Rhomaleosaurus just goes away because fighting is cringe.
Menawhile on land bab Sarcosaurus tries to hunt feesh.
The mom is teaching him to be adaptable,Dimorphodon and,another dinosaur, might be main prey,but adaptability is improtant.
Speaking of feesh when the bab Sarco ducks another bab,a Rhomaleosaurus hunts fish,but suceed
Then a year passes because screw you and the bab Rhomaleosaurus leaves his mom
He’s now an adult,looking for a mate is his top priority.
Meanwhile a new animal joins the battle,a Scelidosaurus
At 300 Kilos,Scelidosaurus was a primitive relative of the famous Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus.
The Sarcosaurus look but ignores but..
Bab run
He bit one and nearly gets trampled before mum sav hem
Mum:Bad Boi
Mum Bit
Then in the night bab escape
He sees a herd of sleeping Scelidosaurus.
These Scelidosaurus are twice his size,but the juveniles are the main prey.
He grabs one but he bites to hard and the bab screams.
The Scelidosaurus herd wakes up and chases him but he is way faster.
Its morning and the mom and kid eat while we go to the water,focusing on the Temnodontosaurus.
These are the top predators that no one would dare attack.This male is the largest here and invincible,almost…
The Temnodontosaurus is looking for a mate
Females are desirable,he wants to pass on his genes
He spots a female but she has a mate,he turns around and it transitions to the air which is darker than originally,a flock of Dimorphodon.The Mom scents the air and acts weird.
She knows there is a storm incoming,probably in the next week
She starts looking for somewhere to hide during the storm.When she looks up the flock of Dimorphodon flys behind her and we look at it.
Dimorphodon is an early predator,it’s jaws were powerful and built to crush the exoskeletons of bugs
Dimorphodon eat bug,noice.
She catches a few more and returns to a big tree where a bunch of kids are.
This is a sacred nesting ground for generations of Dimorphodon.The kids can’t fly for 3 or 4 Months.
They eat.
Dimorphodon was a slow flyer at only 15 kilometers per hour,but their long tail lets them turn easily.
Then we fast forward 5 Days….
They couldn’t find shelter so they go to an island with a lot of caves.However they have to swim.
Then we see the Temnodontosaurus who just got out of a fight with 2 Rhomaleosaurus.He lost a flipper.
The Sarcosaurus are starting to cross,the perfect meal.
The Bab Sarco is crossing,but then,BAM,he’s being dragged.
The motherly instinct kicks in,and she basically tries to do suicide,and attacks the Temnodontosaurus.
She slashes its eye and he lets go of Bab Sarco.
The Sarcosaurus make it to the mainland,and pretty much just in time.
Howver,just an hour after another Sarcosaurus male appears,and he’s horny.
The Sarcosaurus mom tells her kid to hide,males will kill any young they see.
Baby Sarco hides in a bush.
The male approaches her,but she’s not interested,but bigger male over powers her and Raperosaurus’s her(Noice/J)
2 fking Months later…..
The storm is here,this will be a grueling,terrible storm like none before.
(Inspired by @Kelbeam )
A sweeping gust enters as the Mom and Kid quickly hide into their cave.
A Dimorphodon screams as one of the kids falls from a branch,he’s safe however.
Now,more than ever,the Dimorphodon kids need to learn how to fly
Thankfully half of them can fly while the others can be carried by their brothers and parents.Suddenly an Attenborosaurus gets YE E T E D and a few Dimorphodon break their wings,then a Sarcosaurus comes out of his shelter.
He’s a starving old male,it’s a lot of food,he’s willing to risk death for some food.
But before anything could happen a beeg roc flies and crushed them.The Sarco’s skull gets Thanosed.
A herd of Scelidosaurus get knocked into the water and drown.Their cries of help get drowned out by the storm.Then we see a terrified baby Dimorphodon fly before he gets swept up by a Hurricane.
This storm is the most dangerous one since the last one,150 years ago
We see the washed out Scelidosaurus get eaten by Rhomaleosaurus
Meanwhile a Thunder strike knocks down a tree that nearly gets to the cave of a pregnant woman and a babu (Aka our Sarcosaurus)
They all cry in terror.
The water isn’t better,a Temnodontosaurus and a bunch of other things get sucked up,including the finless one.He cries in pain as Blood covers the screen.
3 Days later….
The Damage has been done.
We see a half eaten Temnodontosaurus wash ashore,without a fin.
Our Temnodontosaurus isn’t one of the survivors,but many others survived
*Hopeful Music Plays*
We see the mother,the baby,and a newborn baby.
Thankfully this family will be going,at least for the next year.
1 Year later
We de a Sarcosaurus get yeeted to the floor,snarling but not attacking.
We see another Sarcosaurus appear as sad music starts to play.
This mother and son bond has come to an end
The Mother Sarco roars at her used to be son,he roars weakly as he bleeds out.
He has to leave or he is killed.
In the background we see his Half Sister snarling at him.
Sadly he has to leave and he crosses the water,I have to say this tho
Rhomaleosaurus:That’s got to be the best pirate I’ve ever seen
Attenborosaurus:So it would seem
The Pirates of the Caribbean Theme plays as Sarcosaurus crosses
Then he gets dragged but he slashes the Rhomaleosaurus that bit him in the ei and escapes,just before it beaches itself for a bit and tries to grab him like an Orca
Then he encounters a Scelidosaurus.
He has to hunt for himself now.
He faces it on as something like this plays
Sarcosaurus chases after Scelidosaurus and jumps onto it,he bites it’s armored head but Scelidosaurus’s quick turn knocks him off,then Scelidosaurus whacks him in the head,he’s dazed and takes a few steps back,the Scelidosaurus rams into him but the Sarco slashes him in the neck.Sarco then bites down on its shoulder swiftly turns and btutes down on the back leg,the Scelidosaurus slams him with his tail so Sarco runs,but Scelidosaurus is unbalanced and falls,our Sarco uses it as the prefect opportunity and bites down on its neck,he shakes his jaws and rips open its neck,he walks back and watches the Scelidosaurus suffocate.Sarco eats and he roars up to the air.He’s the top predator.
Soon he will get a mate,and the cycle continues.
Then a flash happens and we see an Asfaltovenator pair circling a Patagosaurus
Now is the time of the Allosaurs,starting with a 7.5 Metere Asfaltovenator.
A Bachytracelophan whacks a Condorraptor
Dinosaurs have come a long way,but even the largest of predators might need to resort to the tiniest of prey
An Asfaltovenator chases a Manidens
Life in Argentina 167 Million Years ago was the equivalent of a hellish paradise.But those animals survived,the Prehistoric Legends
@Savage Almond
@12 The Irritator
@The dragnor
@Concaventor Wrangler
@Shi again