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21 Votes in Poll
Hello, welcome back to the next installment of me looking at the creatures Dino Dan. More episodes of Dino Dex have (unofficially) released, so it’s time for me to look the new information and creatures. Let’s start off with the newbies + sole redesign of this batch.
So Meg got a redesign, and it may have gotten better. I ended up liking slim Meg quite a bit, and the whale shark colors were an excellent choice, might be better than the previous one’s colors, tho both are great in their own ways.
Albertonectes looks pretty good, I like the white base with purple stripes, kinda reminds me of the Snapper from the Meg. And this is obviously a much better design than the Plesiosaurus (ignoring color, that can be debated). I would explain what else I like about the design, but it’s more so just compliments about plesiosaurids in general. Main criticisms are the head shape, and the neck length due to this being Albertonectes, not Elasmo, but they’re not really big deals.
While it would’ve been nice to see regular/short horn Elasmotherium, I’m used enough to the unicorn verison to let it slide (under the context of entertainment rather than education). I do have slight distaste for the double horn, but not as much as a should, and as implausible as the colored horn and gray splotches are, they look kinda cool. Another fairly good addition and nice to see Elasmotherium get more love.
My thoughts on the Dire Wolf are complicated. For years I used to think “oh it’s just a big wolf, who cares”. But then came the reclassification as a jackal relative, which combined with this amazing design of the outdated version, has left me questioning everything I thought about how I felt about the Dire Wolf. I mean look and that majestic, beautiful black pupper! I love it! Why do I think this is cool now!? Do I prefer the outdated version? But how, it’s just a wolf! A beautifully designed wolf, but still! Great design, bad accuracy wise, I like it anywaysies, but that existential crisis will haunt me for a while
For the context of these next four, the episode “Dino World” did the thing with single-appearance creatures in an animated style.
Argentino’s design isn’t that good, I’d argue even Pirmal had a better shape, but the the dark green and brown color scheme are pretty good. There is also an alt with brighter green in its coloration and I like than one a fair bit too.
Deinocheirus looks great in terms of design, and my only issue with it is that the arms and that colors are rather bland. Also, this is the 2nd time an ornithomimosaurid has been relegated to a single appearance as a cartoon, they deserve better.
The Hatzeg is kinda bad, I don’t really like the face shape and the colors aren’t doing much to sway me. The weird crest is definitely what I take the most issue with.
This is basically the JW Mosa but more universally unappealing. I especially hate the dumb eyebrow ridges. Even the colors are a downgrade from the JW one.
Let’s be honest, they just wanted a Kraken to attack the sub and get eaten by Beeg Shark and the Swimmer longnecks, those are only reasons why this goober is here. I should be mad, but honestly, that’s just whatever, I like giant monster cephalopods too. Also, this the 2nd time now Colossal Squid has been given the appearance of Giant Squid and shoved in with a bunch of prehistoric stuff of some reason (Jurassic Park Builder)
Updated notes:
If you want to look at all my entries with updated notes, make sure to check out my blog post of the full series.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, goodbye.
Original skeletal by SpinoInWonderland - https://www.deviantart.com/spinoinwonderland/art/Argentinosaurus-huinculensis-skeletal-686736267
Pings: @Ankysareawesome @HerbivoreEnthusiastAlt @Mediterranean Mapper @Cooner21 @SiatsPyro07 @EpicThoradolosaur7782 @Just shi over here... @Harpy Eagle Enthusiast @11duckhunt @Parkersaurus @Fire Campaign @Jammu&PeanutThedinos @Drake the dino nerd 2 @BaryonyxLover9870 @Labaltof92 @Zygiesking766 @HArBINgErOFDoOM10 @Sparxlol437
Let me know if you want a ping.
40 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
This is a bit early sense the last episode of the first season hasn't even dropped yet but basically this is like a suggest any character, small to medium event or some other thing like that
Already been planned:
Characters:godzilla, Godzilla219, murderous cows, Mr beast, nizal (obviously), zombified Argentinosaurus, @Godzilla 1795 kaiju thing, @MimikBoogTube thing, Ruby rose, @Edmontosaurus of dinopedia (But with a twist), compy, some other gojipedians, @PowerLord23, concavenater
Planned to be in the next episode:godzilla 1795s kaiju thing, murderous cows, Ruby rose
Events:The rupture, zombified Argentinosaurus attack, sandy shocks attack, concavenater interrupting camping
Other things:gojipedia, Dr pepper that tastes like shit for some reason
No thing conquering thing
No extreme events
Poings: @11duckhunt @Ankysareawesome @ScaryLookinHobo @Cooner21 @AcryAllofan150 @Labaltof92 @Jammu&PeanutThedinos @Ornithomimus65 @BaryonyxLover9870 @OceanStudios @NeverGonnaGiveUUpLol
10 Votes in Poll
On a peaceful morning in Gondwa, specifically located in The Grand Plains, lays a sleeping Argentinosaurus, namely known as Behemoth. Sleeping peacefully somewhat right in front of a… GIGANOTOSAURUS PAIR?!!
Yep, you heard me right. Behemoth is the Giganotosaurus Crusher-
Though, he still loves all the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and marine reptiles. Everytime he gets hit, he quickly forgets what even happened!
Darkcloud, his mate, often comes by. She laid 3 eggs, and they all hatched into small, tiny Argentinosaurs. 20 Years would pass by, and their young would scatter.
Mobius, his son in Green Valley.
Bachiev, his son with him.
And Penelope, his daughter.
(This is a short story i will update this later)
I will describe the precision of reptiles:
Velociraptor from Jurassic Park/World: 10/10
Scientifically correct Velociraptor: 3/10
Same thing as Velociraptor
3/10, It looks like Plateosaurus.
2/10, he has to be a huge and predatory quadrupedal lizard, not a scary monster.
3/10, Dude, AI doesn't know that Carnosaurs/Charcharodontosauridae exist.
20 Votes in Poll
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Toraton = Argentinosaurus
(Brachiosaurus, Indricothere considered)
Lurkfish = Dunkleosteus
(Hybodus, Hyneria considered)
Swampus = Brontoscorpio
(Hynerpeton considered)
Ocean Phantom = Jellyfish
(realy no comparison...)
Reef Glider = Ophthalmosaurus
Spindletrooper = Haikouichthys
(Mesthelae considered)
What are your thought? Which animals would have been better comparisons?
Made this because scientists big animals, even the blue whale got nerfed down to 29m, also the fact that Brachytrachelopan existed
Original skeletal by SpinoInWonderland
22 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll