And here's your daily dose of Terrifying Dinosaurs:
Anzu tells you the definition of insanity
Requested by @DiogoGamer6664
Chad Shantungosaurus defeats Mimikyu and Bulbasaur with ease while Jakapil gets destroyed by a stampeding horde of wild Eevees
Requested by @Mediterranean Mapper
Bajadasaurus kills Alcremie with unfunny memes
Requested by @Bajadasaurus234
Therizinosaurus getting his torso and head sliced off by Zekrom after Therizinosaurus betrayed the dinosaurs./Kyurem grabs Zekrom and turns into Black Kyurem, and he kills an Albertosaurs
Requested by @Skorpiovenator bustingorry and @Nizaluddin
Metriacanthosaurus eats 10 Karens and then poops them out while Goku said "Go poop outside my property"/And then the fight goku put up to be eaten by metriacanthosaurus to which the metriacanthosaurus is now a 5 ton blob after all it ate and reveals that it accually ate 1000 karens/metriacanthosaurus is eating 1000 kens now and naruto kicks its teeth for pooping out kens on his flower bed and superman comes down and kills naruto and the metriacanthosaurus .
Requested by @Anatotitan
Eternatus chases Hop through the destroyed Morrison Formation, but gets interrupted by a Comodactylus
Requested by @Mimikyutube
Antarctopelta arrive first and engage in guerilla warfare. They kick Arezu violently to avenge the Pachy./The Birrin Army arrive on earth, alongside Steven Stone, Cumnoria, Sophocles and Engineer. Engie also recruits Lieutenant Surge and Cynthia.
Requested by @Gojiraaaaaaaaa
Calaba and her Ursaluna disembowel/then rip out the crest on a Corythosaurus
Lance, aided by Red and Zinnia, hold a T-Rex hostage, while their secret hideout is guarded by a bunch of B1 Battle Droids from Star Wars, complete with their "Roger Roger" sound
Euoplocephalus gets poisoned by Erika
Quetzalcoatlus scavenges the dead remains of a Fennekin