◊ | The New ~ ly Assigned Species and/or Subspecies of Allosaurus that is between 11 - 13 meters !?! Yep! Allosaurus is now 11 - 13 meters now ! 0_0
° https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Allosaurus_anax.png
As we already have said :: F | Sayonara Sauropahaganax . Your name was too glorious for this planet.
Quote : ''' Re-examinations of the specimens attributed to Saurophaganax suggested that it is a chimera of multiple dinosaur genera, since some specimens most likely belong to a diplodocid sauropod, while the other referred allosaurid specimens belong to a novel species of Allosaurus, named as: Allosaurus anax ''' ( Worst naming ever in my opinion. Should be a better name like Allosaurus Emperator )
Source: https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/vamp/index.php/VAMP/article/view/29404
BUT WAİT ! There is more :
We might have Another Saurophaganax specimen. Yes.
Quote :: '' A more recent discovery is a partial skeleton from the Peterson Quarry in Morrison rocks of New Mexico; this large allosaurid was suggested to be a potential specimen of Saurophaganax prior to this taxon's 2024 reassessment. ''
So we shouldn't dump Saurophaganax... Or the unnammed Giant Allosauroid || Officially : Kenton 1 Quarry allosaurid yet...
-) We also additionally have Epanterias also. Another 12m Allosaur/oid.
° | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Allosaurus_scale.jpg
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/fadeno/art/Epanterias-amplexus-skeletal-drawing-830461170
So... There are giant | colossal unassigned and unnamed Allosaur/oid specimens out there. I want everyone to know about that.